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7 facts about chronic diseases

From time to time, we read a group of advertisements on social media or on Internet pages and mediastations about amazing discoveries for treating a group of incurable diseases 

(as a treatment that eliminates diabetes, for example, or a treatment that eliminates cancer or other diseases).

7 facts about chronic diseases

Read alsostrep throat

In general, we will emphasize some important points about these matters:

1- There is no treatment that can completely eliminate diabetes, and all the treatments available so far are just medicines that lower the level of sugar in the blood, nothing more 

(this means that no one of the medicines is capable of achieving a complete cure from it)

but with the continuous development of science there can be A role for stem cells in the near future.

2- Chemotherapy and radiotherapy work to attack cancer cells, kill them and prevent their reproduction, but they cannot treat the factor that caused these cells to appear in the beginning 

(which remains unknown until now).

However, some types of cancer may benefit from these two treatments, as cases of complete cure of the disease have been recorded, especially if they are discovered at an appropriate time and treated correctly.

3- There is no treatment that eliminates high blood pressure altogether, but the existing drugs reduce the value of pressure momentarily and their effect does not last much and must always be used. 

As for alternative medicine by using certain types of herbs and medicinal plants to reduce pressure, itis

often insufficient and not studied in terms of Effectiveness and side effects that may be associated with it and should not be relied upon only as part of close medical follow-up.

4- There is no medicine that works to regrow hair when bald, except if the cause of hair loss is the result of a specific disease or the use of a medicine and one of its side effects is hair loss, then hair regrowth automatically returns after the disease is gone, or the drug causing that is stopped.

5- There is no such thing as hemodialysis using a specific food or plant (or a magic mixture). 

The only washing for patients with insufficiency or kidney failure is by using only modern equipment that is accompanied by the use of some types of medicines.

6- It is not possible to reduce fat and cholesterol by using vinegar or some medicinal herbs as is common, but the only treatment is diet and exercise with taking the medicines prescribed by a doctor that reduce fat and cholesterol.

7 - Some of the therapeutic methods used (called Arabic medicine) such as cupping, using camel urine

and ironing are primitive methods that do not have any scientific evidence of their success and

usefulness in any disease and they should not be treated at all in light of the availability of modern methods developed on modern scientific foundations, tried and applied globally. .

