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The role of Elon Musk electronic chip in the medical field

 The role of Elon Musk electronic chip in the medical field

The huge robot cuts a piece of the skull to mount a metal chip that resembles money, which may give its user in the future a super vision, such as Superman's, the ability to hear and even control emotions and store his dreams and ideas!

The role of the Elon Musk slot in the medical field The huge robot cuts a piece of the skull to mount a metal chip that resembles money, which may give its user in the future a super vision, such as Superman's, the ability to hear and even control emotions and store his dreams and ideas!

 With the spread of a virus crippling the movement of the globe, into driverless cars to flying robots and empty streets, then managing our daily lives in small squares on the phone screen ... to end with the Neuralink device, an ambitious plan to connect the human brain to a computer via a chip with 3000 electrodes connected to thinner flexible strings. From a human hair implanted in the brain, it can monitor the activity of 1000 neurons!

This chip has developed dramatically within a year, and according to Musk's vision, in the near future it may allow people with conditions such as Parkinson's disease to control their physical movements, phones or computers through thoughts, or even those who suffer from paralysis due to severed nerves, they can walk again. Another where the chip transmits commands from the brain to the rest of the body.

Founded in secret in 2017, Neuralink has worked hard to recruit scientists, something Musk is still working on and is inviting more engineers and programmers to join him in developing this vision for the future.

There are a lot of scientists already working in this field. But Musk has bigger ambitions, and he talks about developing "super-cognition" by partially strengthening the human brain to combat the threat from artificial intelligence.

Despite all his accomplishments, some scholars have criticized Musk that he tends to exaggerate how quickly the technologies he works on are advancing!

Four years ago, it was announced that within two years, a Tesla would be able to drive itself on its own, and stop to recharge itself. This has not happened yet.

Now his prediction that Tesla will have a million robots on the road by this year seems fanciful as well, as just this weekend, the company's cars received a software update for their autopilot system to recognize the signs of speed limits, which is necessary for safe autonomous driving!

Electronic chip

- This chip has already been manufactured and tested on pigs and monkeys, but it has not yet been tested on humans, and it has obtained official and government approvals.

- When the chip is installed in someone's head, it is not visible, which means that no one can know whether another person installed it or not.

This chip can read all of the brain's activities, as well as chemicals, making it able to plan and predict a person's functions.

- The area where the slide is implanted allows treating some hearing and vision problems as well as some psychological problems, and it is possible in the future to treat many nerve-related diseases.

Through this chip, it is possible to communicate with smart phones, computers, and others.

Scientists seek to develop them in the future to make them able to eliminate the feeling of pain and the feeling of sadness, as it will control and store memories and dreams.

Chip development could allow for telepathy and mental programming.

It is expected that it will be available in the beginning at a high price, but this price may decrease in the future and become available to all users.

- The company is currently working on the best programming to save the privacy policy, to prevent others from penetrating the user's data or accessing the data available on it.



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