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Among the various descriptions that people who suffer from headaches talk about, the pain of one side of the head is one of the most annoying, whether it is on the right or the left side, and whether that pain

is intermittent or continuous and chronic, and although it coincides with the feeling of other symptoms,

but In fact, it is not caused by a serious or emergency matter in most cases, but it is recommended to identify these symptoms and describe the pain exactly to help doctors determine the cause of head pain

and treat it appropriately, as it is related to many causes, and is also divided into several types, so what

are the types of headaches Associated with? How can its severity and the accompanying symptoms be reduced?

Headache from the right

What are the types of headaches that cause headache on the right side?

Headache on the right (or on the left) side is associated with certain types of headaches, the most prominent and most common of which can be summarized in the following points:

Migraine, also known as migraine,

It is a very common type of headache that causes pain on one side of the head

(Right or left), in conjunction with experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:

The intensity of the pain is moderate or severe, and a single episode of pain may last between 4 hours and up to 3 continuous days.

The patient may feel the pain behind one or both eyes, or in the temples of the face, or in some cases in the forehead and cheeks. 

Increased pain when exposed to light, disturbing sounds, or certain smells. 

Feeling of stomach pain. 

Feeling sick and vomiting.

Cluster headache

In which the pain is concentrated in a specific area of ​​the head, and it is one of the most painful types of headaches, as the sufferer suffers from it in the spring and autumn seasons usually in the form of

episodes, the number of which ranges from one to 8 attacks during the day, and it lasts for two weeks and up to 3 months. 

The vein, so that it disappears from some for several months or years, and returns to them again after that, and its symptoms are as follows:

Feeling a severe headache, accompanied by strong burning and tingling at the site of the pain in the head.

The pain is continuous or intermittent.

The pain is concentrated behind one of the eyes, or in the forehead, cheeks, or temples of the face.

Tension headache,

It is known that head pain is like a tight ligament surrounding the head on all sides, but 10% of the injured may suffer from it on one side (right or left),

 It is the most common and widespread type of headache among people, and it can be distinguished by the symptoms accompanying it, as represented in the following:

 The pain is constant, and of moderate to severe intensity. Pain increases when performing daily activities and activities; Like going up stairs, or bending over.

A decrease in pain is noted when simple painkillers are used, which are given without the need for a prescription.

Aneurysm headache,

Which is classified as a rare type of headache, and an aneurysm is known as an aneurysm in one of the blood vessels in the head, resulting in pain similar to cluster or migraine pain, except that it is very

severe and sudden in the event of an aneurysm bursting, in conjunction with the following symptoms:

Double vision.

stiff neck.


What are the causes and factors of headache on the right?

Some people may have pain in the right half of the head for a number of possible reasons, including the following: Neurological problems and conditions may result from some problems in the brain, pain in one side or one half of the head, and from the neurological conditions that cause pain in the right half of the head, the following:

Occipital cervical neuralgia:

 This pain arises due to damage or inflammation of the occipital nerves, which are the nerves extending from the top of the spinal cord to the scalp, and sufferers in this case suffer from severe pain in the back of the head and neck, pain behind the eyes, and sensitivity to light.

Temporal arteritis:

Temporal arteritis is known as a condition that arises in inflammation of the arteries in the head and neck, accompanied by muscle pain, causing intense pain in the right half of the head, and sufferers also feel fatigue and fatigue, and jaw pain that increases when touched.

Trigeminal neuralgia:

It is a chronic condition that may cause pain in the right half of the head, and it arises when trigeminal neuritis (the fifth nerve of the cranial nerves), and it is one of the largest nerves in the head, and sufferers then feel sudden severe pain that may last for two minutes in one episode of successive episodes of pain In the face.

Use of certain medications

Some people may experience pain in the right side of the head as one of the side effects of taking some medications and medications, or it may be caused by an overuse of painkillers that are dispensed without the need for a prescription, such as:




Other causes 

Among the other reasons that may result in pain in the right half of the head are the following:


Stress and exhaustion.

Head injury.

Infections and infections, such as sinusitis.

Changes in blood sugar levels caused by missing some meals.

Muscle fatigue and tension, or formation of knots in the neck. 

The formation of tumors.

How does the doctor diagnose head pain from the right?

The diagnostic steps that the doctor uses to diagnose the cause of some people having headache on the

right side depends on determining the exact severity of the pain, and the length of the pain period, with knowing the full medical history of the injured, in addition to determining whether there are any other

symptoms associated with the headache, and the doctor then performs some Tests needed to confirm the diagnosis, which may include the following:

Head CT scan.

Get some blood tests.

Head MRI.

Tips to relieve headache on the right side 

There are some simple measures that you can follow at home; To reduce the severity of the head pain on the right side, which includes doing all of the following:

Drink enough water.

Taking a nap for some time; To give the head some relief.

Decompress tight hairstyles, such as: braids and ponytails.

Take a warm bath.

Take simple over-the-counter painkillers, with care to avoid overusing them.

Change the atmosphere in which the victim is sitting; Get out of the room and get away from sources of noise and bright light.

Resorting to physical therapy. To reduce muscle tension in the event that it is the cause of head pain.



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