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 Weakness of the human body

The weakness of the human body means a decrease in the strength of the body, where it is less than the normal and healthy level, and this weakness is accompanied by feeling many symptoms that make the person feel weak and unable to perform his daily tasks normally and completely, and the term weakness of the human body may be used to describe a general condition of Fatigue and lethargy through the body, or it may be used to express the decrease and loss of body energy, or psychological or physical exhaustion, such as weakness of the body's muscles, and this weakness may be local or general.

Causes of body weakness

Neurological causes:

Stroke, as this condition causes weakness in half of the body's muscles, due to a blockage in the arteries supplying the skull. In what is known as Bell's palsy, which is the weakness of the facial muscles. Multiple sclerosis disease, and it accompanies it

Advanced muscle weakness that affects the body's organs in general, and affects the nerves and the spinal cord. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Gilan-Barbe syndrome, and congenital cerebral palsy.

Diseases in the muscles of the body:

These are rare diseases, such as: muscular dystrophy, dermatomyositis, or exposure to severe stress.

 Incidence of metabolic organ diseases:

They are diseases associated with the occurrence of metabolic processes in the body, such as: hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, which causes muscle weakness, as well as a low level of potassium in the body, or a low level of calcium in the blood, which causes weakness of the body's muscles.


Exposure to toxins causes the body to weaken, for example: exposure to pesticides, as these pesticides contain amounts of organic phosphorus that cause muscle weakness. Inhalation of nerve gas that causes the body to weaken. Continuous exposure to pollutants, or exposure to many toxic substances such as tetanus toxin, which causes paralysis of the muscles of the body, or botulism poisoning.

Take some types of drugs and medications:

 Some types of medicines contain unwanted side effects that cause the body to weaken in general, and examples of these medicines are the eye pressure pills.

Organic diseases:

Which occurs due to infection with some diseases, such as: severe anemia (anemia), or a deficiency of a certain type of vitamins, or severe body wasting and thinness, or severe diarrhea and dehydration.

psychological reasons:

 Which occurs due to exposure to many psychological pressures that cause some disorders, such as: severe depression and frustration, in addition to many mental illnesses that make the owner feel that he is losing his physical strength.



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