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Feed it and natural drinks to flush out toxins from the body

Feed it and natural drinks to flush out toxins from the body

The human body is exposed to many deposits and toxins as a result of external influences that enter the body, or because of the lifestyle followed, which causes poor memory, lack of focus, and the body's feeling of laziness and lethargy, and there are many natural ways that the body gets rid of toxins, free radicals and harmful substances, and we will discuss in This article is to mention the most prominent of these methods.

Natural ways to flush out toxins from the body

Lemon and ginger Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of ginger. Lemon juice. 2 cloves of garlic. A tablespoon of olive oil. A glass of water.

Preparation: Put a cup of water in a food processor, and add olive oil, garlic, ginger and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients together well, then filter the mixture using a sieve with small holes to get rid of the lumps. Pour the mixture into a serving cup, and drink it in the morning thirty minutes before breakfast. You must regularly drink this drink every six months, as it flushes toxins from the body and cleanses the liver.

Water and lemon juice Ingredients: A cup of warm water. Juice of a large lemon.

Preparation: Bring water to boil, let it cool down a little, then add lemon juice. Drink this mixture every morning, as it cleans the body from toxins, especially the liver, and it also regulates its enzymes.

Coriander and pomegranate Ingredients: A quarter cup of dried and ground pomegranate peel. One tablespoon of ground cinnamon. A tablespoon of chopped coriander.

Preparation: Boil a cup of water, and add ground cinnamon, coriander and pomegranate peel to it. Leave the mixture for ten minutes, then filter and drink it on a daily basis.

Turmeric and ginger Ingredients: Lemon juice. A pinch of red cayenne pepper powder. Two cups of hot water. Half a teaspoon of ginger. Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Preparation: Put hot water in a deep bowl, and add ginger, lemon juice, pepper and turmeric. Mix the mixture, leave a little until it becomes lukewarm, then filter and drink three times a day, for a whole week, as it cleanses the liver, and helps it break down the harmful chemicals inside, which effectively expels toxins from the body. It is forbidden for those with sensitive stomach and ulcers to consume this drink.

Fruits that flush out toxins from the body:

 Fruits dissolve toxins and carry them out of the body through urine, so that they are rich in water. Green leafy vegetables: Leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, vitamin C, and folate, which cleanse the body of environmental toxins, cleaning materials, and residues, and the most prominent of these vegetables are: basil, rasad, parsley, lettuce, watercress, and chard. Cruciferous vegetables: They contain a group of compounds that flush out toxins and support the liver's mission, including: cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and broccoli. Aromatic herbs: caraway, green tea, chamomile, and cinnamon. Avocado: Avocados contain high levels of glutathione, which is one of the most important antioxidants that speed up the detoxification process.



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