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The best, best and safest calorie burning regimen by walking (the complete regimen)

The best, best and safest calorie burning regimen by walking (the complete regimen)

Walking is an excellent, inexpensive exercise option, and it can help you lose weight and improve your cardiovascular health. If you are trying to cut back on calories, you may ask how many calories will you be able to burn through this activity? However, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, because your fat burning depends on a number of different factors, such as your weight, speed, terrain, and more. Follow a cultural information site to learn about the schedule ofwalking calories burned?

The number of calories burned while walking

A question people ask is how many calories do walking burn? The answer is that it depends on your weight, the speed of your walk, and how much time you spend walking.

The Calorie Burned Walk Calculator shows the weight difference over the calories burned.

A person who weighs 150 pounds and walks at a normal pace for 60 minutes will burn 250 calories; However, someone who weighs 200 pounds and is walking at the same time and speed will burn 333 calories.

The average person will burn between 80 to 140 calories per mile; Most people burn an average of 100 calories per mile walking.

Calories by walking distance

Can you lose weight by walking 2, 3, or even 5 miles a day? The answer is yes, as long as you don't eat more.

Calories lost by walking per mile

2 miles

When walking two miles, the average person will burn an additional 140 to 240 calories.

Walking two miles a day for five days of the week will burn an additional 700 to 1,200 calories; Also, with no change in diet, you can expect to lose roughly a pound of fat per week.

3 miles

By walking three miles a day, the average person will burn between 210 and 360 calories.

Walking three miles a day for five days of the week will burn an additional 1,050 to 1,800 calories; Also, while keeping your diet the same, you can expect to lose between half a kilogram of fat per week.

5 miles

By walking five miles a day, the average person would burn 350 to 600 calories.

Walking five miles a day five days a week will burn an additional 1,750 to 3,000 calories; Eating as before will likely lose you approximately half to 1 pound of fat per week.

6 miles

Walking six miles a day, most people will burn between 420 to 720 calories.

Walking six miles a day, five days a week, will total 2,100 to 3,600 calories; This is ⅔ to 1 pound of fat that you will lose a week.

Calories lost by walking per kilometer

5 km

For most people, walking five kilometers burns 210 to 360 calories.

Walking five kilometers, five days a week, will burn 1050 to 1800 calories; Also, with no change in the diet, you will lose 0.15 to 0.22 kg of fat per week.

10 km

Walking ten kilometers will burn between 420 to 720 calories for most people.

Walking ten kilometers, for five days a week, amounts to 2,100 to 3,600 calories per week; So, while keeping your eating habits the same, you can expect to lose 0.3 kg to 0.45 kg of fat per week.

Calories by time walked

How long does it take to walk one mile?

It would take the average person 20 minutes to walk a mile.

For most people, the casual walking speed is 3 mph, meaning that it would only take 20 minutes to walk 1 mile.

In those 20 minutes you will burn nearly 100 calories, and the actual calorie burning depends on your weight.

How long does it take to walk four miles?

An hour of walking burns between 210 and 360 calories for most people.

At an informal pace you'll walk three miles in one hour on foot, and an hour-long walk five days a week will burn an additional 1,050 to 1,800 calories.

If your diet stays the same, this increased exercise could result in you losing half a kilogram of fat per week.

Calories by step count

How many steps to burn 1 calorie?

20 steps burn 1 calories.

The average person would take 2,000 steps to walk a distance of a mile (based on a stride of about 2.1 to 2.5 feet) This works from 0.04 to 0.06 calories per step, depending on your weight and pace.

For most people, this means that it takes 20 steps to burn one calorie.

How many calories are burned with 1000 steps?

1000 steps burn about 50 calories.

This is based on a typical stride length from 2.1 to 2.5 feet.

How many calories are burned by 10,000 steps?

10,000 steps burn 500 calories.

Our 10,000 steps per day guideline comes from extrapolating that; The effect of 10,000 calorie steps burned daily for seven days works out to around 3,500 calories, and that is the amount of calories required to burn 1 pound of fat.

The actual amount will vary from person to person based on weight and stride length.

The best way to measure calories burned is with a wearable fitness tracker.

How many calories are burned with 15,000 steps?

15,000 steps burn 750 calories.

As mentioned above, this value depends on your weight and stride length; You can only get a personal calorie burn stat with a wearable fitness tracker.

The number of calories burned by brisk walking

The typical speed for brisk walking is 4 mph; At this speed, you'll travel one mile every 15 minutes or a third of a mile every five minutes.

As explained above, the calorie burn will depend on your weight, time spent walking, and speed.

What a brisk 5-minute walk burns for different weights

150 lbs: 30 calories.

160 lbs: 32 calories.

170 lbs: 34 calories.

180 lbs: 36 calories.

190 lbs: 38 calories.

200 lbs.: 40 calories.

210 lbs: 42 calories.

220 lbs: 44 calories

An hour-long brisk walk will burn approximately of the calories that an hour of swimming would burn.

How to lose weight by walking

Even six miles a day five days a week is not a guarantee of weight loss; And if you continue to eat in the same usual way, it can be difficult to lose weight through extra exercise alone.

The best way to lose weight is to combine exercise with lowering calories; So combine extra walking with an understanding of how many calories you need to eat per day to lose weight.



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