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How Well do you Know Health, Food, and Nutrition?

How well do you know about health, food and nutrition?

Take this quiz to find out how much you really know about these topics!

This test will help increase your knowledge about healthy food

 It is a science that explains the relationship of food with the activities of living things. This includes eating food, eliminating waste products, releasing energy from the body, and synthesis processes. Food and drink provide a person with energy for all vital body functions, so that his temperature is fixed at 37 degrees Celsius, suitable for vital body functions, whether during awake or during sleep. With the energy extracted from food, a person performs all his movement and thinking activities, whether this is reading a book or running in a race. Also, food provides a person with the materials his body needs in order to build his body and repair his tissues, and in order to regulate the work of his organs and systems. The food we eat directly affects our health. A healthy diet helps prevent infection from some diseases and helps to cure other diseases. And any unhealthy or inappropriate meal increases the risk of various diseases that may affect humans. Eating consistent, balanced meals is the best way to ensure that the body receives all the nutrients it needs. The best sources from which a person obtains his needs of all nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are fresh vegetables and fruits, in addition to fish, various types of meat, and dairy products. Malnutrition It is one of the main factors related to deaths that occur to the elderly, and it is also common in elderly patients hospitalized, and this leads to the long stay of the elderly in the hospital, which results in a waste of health expenditures, and it is known that with age, physiological and functional changes occur. These changes are healthy, and the degree and time of their occurrence varies from one elderly person to another. These changes that occur in the body of the elderly have. In humans, an unhealthy diet can cause diseases associated with deficiency of nutrients such as blindness, anemia, scurvy, premature labor, stillbirth or conditions that threaten health with excess nutrients such as obesity and metabolic syndrome; And common chronic systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Undernutrition can lead to wasting in acute cases, and stunting in cases of chronic malnutrition.


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