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Foods that strengthen memory and help to excel in school

Foods that strengthen memory and help to excel in school

Foods that strengthen memory and help with academic excellence, students need in the last days before the exam date to eat some foods that increase focus and help in academic excellence, and for this we have collected for you some foods that strengthen memory and help in academic excellence, as we will explain to you.

Foods that strengthen memory and aid in academic excellence: -

The problem of forgetfulness has now become one of the most common problems in the current era, and this problem, if faced with students, hinders students from achieving academic excellence, and this is a group of foods that strengthen memory and help in academic excellence, as follows:

1- Fish: -

Fish in general helps to increase concentration and academic excellence, because fish contains omega-3, in addition to containing a group of fatty acids that stimulate the body and stimulate memory in particular.

Fish uniform contains an amount of 36 grams of fatty acids per 100 grams of it, and this percentage is very healthy and does not cause any damage in the body, and that is why it is one of the foods that give energy and increase focus.

2- Nuts: -

Nuts are one of the types of foods that students are recommended to eat, because different types of nuts improve the ability to focus and retrieve information.

Experts recommend eating walnuts, which are a type of nuts that contain a high nutritional value, as they contain quantities of antioxidants, fatty acids, and omega-3s, and all of these elements help focus and increase attention.

Also, almonds and nuts are nuts rich in vitamin B3, B12, dietary fiber, phosphorous, and all of them are elements, if I said in the body, affected the level of memory, so it must be compensated by eating these nuts.

3- Tomatoes: -

Tomatoes are one of the types of vegetables that contain a high percentage of lycopene, which contributes to strengthening memory, in addition to the antioxidants that tomatoes contain, which fight free radicals, thus protecting the body from cancer.

Foods that strengthen memory and help to excel and mental focus: -

This is a group of foods that enhance memory and help to excel and mental focus, as follows:

1- Cranberry: -

Cranberry is one of the fruits that increase focus and stimulate memory significantly, because it contains anthocyanin, which is one of the antioxidants involved in the formation of nerve signals in the brain.

A study was conducted on a group of elderly people in the United States of America, and they were divided into two groups, a group that consumed a cup of berry juice daily, and the other did not eat it, and several memory tests were conducted for them.

2- eggs: -

Eggs contain choline, and this substance is considered one of the magical substances that have a strong effect on memory and brain work.

Scientific studies have discovered that egg yolk contains elements related to the development of brain function, and therefore it is classified as one of the foods that are recommended to increase focus.

Choline, which was discovered in egg yolks, is now used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, as well as in the treatment of liver infections, atherosclerosis, and neurological disorders.

When you eat one egg every day, the body will get the choline it needs, in addition to the protein and calcium that eggs contain.

3- Rosemary:

Rosemary is one of the famous herbs that have a distinctive aromatic smell, because they contain a group of volatile oils, and inhaling these herbs helps increase attention and focus.

The rosemary herb is used by drinking soaked in its leaves, or by inhaling its scent.

Foods to enhance memory in exams: -

There are many foods that strengthen memory during exams, including:

1- Rosemary: -

Rosemary is a type of herb that is recommended to be consumed on a daily basis, and it is eaten by adding it to many foods, it gives a special taste to food, and at the same time improves memory work and increases attention by 40%.

2- Milk with saffron: -

It is known that milk contains a high percentage of calcium, and even if saffron seeds were added to it, this would help stimulate memory and increase concentration.

3- Avocado: -

Avocado is one of the types of fruits that are high in fatty acids, and fatty acids are known to increase concentration significantly.

4- Cabbage: -

Cabbage contains calming elements for nerves, and it works to reduce stress, and thus the access of the largest possible amount of oxygen to the brain, thus improving brain functions and strengthening memory.

5- Lemon: -

Lemon is one of the foods that contain a large proportion of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system in the body, in addition to increasing the ability to assimilate.

Tips to help increase focus: -

Here is a set of tips that help increase focus, as follows:

The student should be interested in drinking sufficient quantities of water every day, at least 3 liters per day, because water contributes to increasing the percentage of oxygen in the body and thus increasing the concentration.

Sleeping enough hours each day, for at least eight hours a day, to maintain focus and understanding the next day.

It is recommended to exercise, especially in the early morning, to stimulate blood circulation in the human body and thus stimulate the mind and mind.

Attention to eating healthy foods rich in multiple nutrients that contribute to raising the concentration rate.



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