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Food that promotes the fat burning process after eating

 To enhance the activity of metabolic processes that stimulate fat burning, it is recommended to follow a healthy and appropriate diet, fill in nutritional deficiencies, and engage in physiological exercises that stimulate the metabolism processes and renew the building of muscle mass in the body which will be discussed later, and there are some foods that can be included in the healthy diet program For weight loss, which promotes fat burning after consuming it, and among these foods are the following

Milk or yogurt and milk: Milk is a rich source of protein, and it needs more calories than carbohydrates to digest it, and it can stay in the stomach for a longer period compared to other foods, and it is preferable to eat milk and milk without fat or low in fat and sugar.

Fresh vegetables: It is always recommended to consume them because they are rich in water that gives a feeling of satiety, reduces the amount of calories consumed, and is low in calories, which makes their consumption safe in open quantities in terms of losing excess weight.

Eggs: It is recommended to eat eggs for breakfast because they contain protein, and they need more calories to digest them compared to a carbohydrate-rich breakfast, but it is advised to consult a doctor before consuming eggs by people who suffer from high cholesterol, and they can also eat Egg white without yolk.

Coffee: May help increase and enhance metabolism activity in the body. Oats: It is recommended to cook and eat them because they are rich in fiber, and it is also recommended to eat them hot, which slows down the process of eating them, and gives a feeling of satiety and fullness for a longer period.

Legumes: They are a high source of dietary fiber and protein. Soups and salads: due to their high water and fiber content; Where it is advised to eat it before starting the main meal to reduce the amount of food consumed in it.

Vinegar: It can be used in salads instead of using oils and other high-calorie sauces.

Lean meat and fish: Lean meat is one of the rich sources of protein that needs a lot of calories to digest it, and it also takes a long time to be digested, and fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids that protect against heart disease and other chronic diseases. .

Chili pepper: It is useful because it contains a chemical called capsaicin, and blocks the appetite, and promotes the activity of the metabolism for short periods, but it does not affect weight loss directly, but it may affect the amount of food consumed, so when eating spicy food may affect Reducing the amount of food consumed and thus losing weight.

Sweet potato: Because it is rich in nutrients that the body needs, and its distinct, delicious taste replaces the addition of flavors rich in calories, such as butter and others. Cinnamon: Some studies have proven the ability of cinnamon to maintain blood sugar levels and suppress the appetite, especially if it is consumed by type 2 diabetics.

 Green tea: It is recommended to drink it several times during the day to benefit from its fat burning properties. As it promotes weight loss processes, it may also affect metabolism processes in the body. Grapefruit: It is recommended to drink a cup of grapefruit juice or take half a grain of it before eating. Where it reduces the amount of calories consumed because it contains soluble dietary fiber, which takes a long time to digest. Watermelon: Because of its richness in water; It reduces the amount of food consumed.

 Apples and pears: These two fruits reduce the amount of food consumed, and increase the feeling of satiety and fullness, due to their high content of water and the fibers that remain in the stomach and intestines for a long time. Berries of all kinds: This fruit gives the feeling of satiety, and thus the consumption of fewer calories due to its content of water and fiber like other fruits, and it has a sweet taste that substitutes the consumption of high-calorie sweeteners such as cakes.

The effect of walking after eating on the process of burning fat

 It has spread among people that exercising immediately after eating, such as walking, may lead to feelings of fatigue, discomfort, and the occurrence of stomach pain, but many studies have shown that practicing walking immediately after eating promotes weight loss, compared to walking an hour after eating . It is recommended to walk three times a day for 15 minutes each time. As this method has proven effective in reducing blood sugar, and the process of losing weight is as effective as walking at a moderate speed for 45 continuous minutes per day in people at risk of developing diabetes.

General ways to burn fat

Other factors that burn fat and enhance the activity of metabolism include the following: Exercising in its many forms; Like running, swimming, jumping, and walking. Not following strict diets to lose weight. Eat several small meals during the day. Eat foods rich in protein and dietary fiber. Not to skip eating breakfast. Getting the right amount of vitamin D and calcium. As they promote fat burning and metabolism processes in the body, and calcium has the ability to reduce the absorption of fats from the food eaten if it is consumed through low-fat or fat-free dairy. Drink enough water throughout the day. Get an adequate amount of sleep during the night, which ranges between 7-9 hours per day



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