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Parsley recipe Ingredients:

 Thirty cloves of garlic. Four grains of lemons, sliced. Six cups of water. Three bundles of fresh parsley. Preparation: Put water, lemon, and garlic in a saucepan over a medium heat until it boils. Leave the mixture to boil for an additional ten minutes. Chop the parsley, put it in a deep bowl, and pour the previous mixture on it. Save the resulting recipe in a bottle in the refrigerator overnight. Drink a cup of this mixture daily before eating breakfast. Continue to drink this drink for a period of not less than a month.

Apple recipe ingredients: 

2 white radish. A liter of water. A lemon. One apple. Two pears. Preparation: Boil water in a saucepan over a stove for a few minutes. Add all the previous ingredients to the water, and leave it to soak until the mixture is completely cool. Drink this drink three times during the day, before main meals.

Ginger Recipe Ingredients:

 1 teaspoon each of: ginger and cinnamon powder. A glass of water. Preparation: boil water on a fire. Add ginger and cinnamon, and let the ingredients mix for a few minutes. Drink the drink three times during the day, sixty minutes before the main meal.

Flaxseed recipe: 

Eat one tablespoon of flaxseed daily before bed. As these seeds contain a large percentage of fiber, which makes you feel full.

Beans Recipe Ingredients: 

1 Zucchini. Four green beans. Preparation: Boil the above ingredients in a saucepan over a low heat. Filter the vegetables from the water, and put them in an electric mixer. Run the mixer at a high speed until a syrup-like mixture is obtained. Drink a cup of this mixture daily after eating the three main meals. Continue this recipe for a month.

Cumin recipe Ingredients:

 1 teaspoon each of: ginger powder, cumin powder, and squeezed lemon. A glass of water. Preparation: Put all ingredients except lemon in a saucepan over a medium heat until it boils. Remove the pot from the stove and let the ingredients cool completely. Add squeezed lemon and stir well. Drink a cup of the mixture half an hour before the main meal



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