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How to calculate the duration of pregnancy correctly

How to calculate the duration of pregnancy correctly

How do I correctly calculate the duration of pregnancy, how do I calculate the duration of pregnancy correctly, according to what was stated by specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, this matter may be very important for women, especially during the first time of pregnancy, when you hear the news of her pregnancy, you begin to calculate the date of birth card Of happiness, light and comfort that she fills, because she carries a part of it in her stomach, and for this reason, you may want to know a correct way to calculate the duration of pregnancy with it and learn about the calculation by the Gregorian date and the calculation by the Hijri date so that the new mother can record all her happy events.

How to calculate the duration of pregnancy correctly

Method of calculating pregnancy in the Gregorian month:

The woman must add a period of nine months and one week only from the date of the last menstrual cycle that she passed, for example the day of her menstrual cycle was 1/2, the expected date of birth is 11/8 on the Gregorian date, and this method is 100% correct and was set before The specialist doctor, but God does what he wants, it is possible that the fetus completed its growth and was born in the seventh month.

How to calculate pregnancy in Hijri date:

This method is done by adding nine months and fourteen days from the last day of the menstrual cycle, for example if the last menstrual period came on the date of 3/10, then an additional period of four months is sought, and the expected date of birth is on 12/24 AH. The day of birth is calculated from the day of the last menstrual period and not from the fertilization process after which pregnancy occurred.

The difference in calculation from the last day of menstruation and the last date of fertilization

There are many differences that exist in the birth calculation from the last day of the menstrual cycle and the last date of fertilization in the age of the fetus, and this is because this method is the most accurate calculation and we must know all the details about it.

The criterion in determining the age of the fetus and pregnancy is the x-rays and the analyzes that are made, as they are more accurate and clarify all matters in front of the pregnant woman who seeks to know the day of birth.

Contents of the birth account report:

The birth account report contains a set of distinctive and accurate data that help in identifying the date of birth easily, and this is through the Hijri and Gregorian birth date.

Fetal information for the period determined by the doctor.

Like knowing the child's condition in terms of weight, size, and heart rate.

Knowing the current month of the pregnancy period so that the method of dealing with the pregnant woman is known.

Use the countdown timer for the remainder of the birth period

Work on calculating pregnancy days distinctly and accurately.

Sonar work to fully clarify the shape of the fetus.

Information on how to correctly calculate the duration of pregnancy

A woman should be more focused on her own matters, starting from pregnancy, childbirth, the menstrual cycle, and the hormones in her body, until a distinctive healthy life is practiced, so a pregnant woman must take into account all the criteria that make her live a pregnancy without any problems or defects.

A woman must practice a healthy diet that helps her to maintain her agility, get good health and get rid of toxins that exist in the body, and this is done by eating foods that contain a percentage of fiber, vitamins and minerals beneficial to health and the body, which helps the child on the other hand. To build his muscles,

Take care to exercise light important exercises that keep muscles strong and protect them from weakness so that they are able to bear the presence of a fetus with it in the same body, and this is by consulting the following doctor about the type of sport that is practiced.

Working on consuming a large amount of fluids that maintain body moisture and work to preserve the fetus and the life cycle that exists in the body during pregnancy.



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