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Stages of fetal formation in weeks and months

Stages of fetal formation in weeks and months

The stages of fetal formation in weeks and months, pregnancy is one of the most important periods that any woman goes through throughout her life. It is important to know the stages of fetal development inside the womb, and today we will get to know these stages step by step in terms of height and weight and in terms of the formation of the fetus itself, as we learn together about How to calculate the age of the fetus throughout pregnancy.

Fetal growth in the first month of pregnancy

Usually in the first month, important changes in the growth of the fetus in the uterus do not appear, as the fetus begins to form naturally at the end of the third or fourth week of pregnancy, but some changes occur inside the uterus at that time, and they are as follows:

Around the embryo, during this period, a watery sac covers the fertilized egg, and this is to protect the fetus during the entire pregnancy.

During this period, the placenta continues to grow, and the shape of the placenta is a flat, circular organ, and this works to transfer food from the mother to the fetus, and it works to remove waste products for the fetus.

The face is shaped in a primitive way, with two large circles consisting of the eye, the mouth and the lower jaw.

Blood cells are formed, blood circulation works at work in the fetus.

The weight of the baby at the end of the first month of pregnancy, from 6 to 7 mm, is equivalent to a grain of rice

Fetal formation in the second month of pregnancy

There are many changes that occur to the fetus in the second month of pregnancy, it is always constantly growing inside the womb, and the most important of these changes are:

The face continues to evolve and is on its back.

The ears start out small.

Very small growths begin in the legs and hands.

Fingers appear on the hands and the appearance of the eyes in the second week of the second month.

The spinal cord grows and forms with the size of the fetus.

The brain and nerve tissue begin to grow well.

It develops in the fetus's digestive system.

The appearance of the bones of the fetus while the appearance of cartilage.

In the second month, the baby begins to move in the womb.

The fetus will be 1 inch long this month and weigh 945 grams.

Fetal growth in the third month of pregnancy

By the end of the third month, the legs, legs, and all of the fetus's fingers are fully formed.

By control, he is able to open and close his hands, and by control, to open and close his mouth.

The development of the shape of the ear from the outside, the growth of the nails, and the shape of his teeth developed in this month.

The genitals are developing continuously, but it is not possible to know the gender of the fetus in this month.

The blood circulation is working properly and regularly in the third month.

The urinary system and liver functions work to produce bile.

The size of the fetus in the third month is 3-4 inches.

Fetal growth in the fourth month

The growth of the genitals of the fetus clearly so that its genitals can be identified.

The growth of fetal hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

Nails grow and form clearly.

The shape of the skeleton contains bone, not just cartilage.

The spleen begins to produce red blood cells.

The fetus begins to respond to external factors, if the mother taps her stomach, presumably, it moves away from the click.

The fetus has a sense of taste, but it cannot be felt.

The fetus' sweat glands grow and the nervous system begins to function properly.

Fetal growth in the fifth month

Hair grows and forms smoothly on the head.

The body of the fetus begins to be covered by a layer called (Fernex Kissosa), which works to protect the fetus from the fluids around it in the womb.

The fetus’s muscles continue to grow, and this month, he is able to move all of its joints and limbs.

The fetus is able during this period to distinguish between the taste of the food, whether it is sweet or bitter.

The protective covering of the fetus develops at this stage and it lasts for a year from the day the fetus is born.

The fetus begins to form an eye retina, for example if we direct a flashlight on the abdomen, the fetus will remove it.

A growth in the sensory organs in order for the fetus to be able to hear the sound around it.

The kidneys produce urine so the arms and legs are of equal length.

Fetal formation in the sixth month

The weight of the fetus in the sixth month is 660 grams, and its length is greater than 34.6 cm.

Eye growth is constantly developing, as the fetus begins to differentiate between light and darkness, and at the end of the sixth month the fetus begins to properly lighten the eyelids, and this is the first time for him.

In this month, the baby begins to store the fat inside him so that he can warm it up after birth.

The growth of the brain works continuously in this month, and begins to move its eyes and is associated with dreams, and from here begins the question to all mothers what dreams of the child during pregnancy.

The skin of the fetus begins to change color to become red and wrinkled in the sixth month.

The legs and arms of the fetus are clearly and identifiable.

The baby begins to move by heartbeat or sounds.

Fetal growth in the seventh month

The length of the fetus in the seventh month is 39.9 cm, starting from the head to the heel of its feet, while its weight is 1.5 kilograms, and the length of this month, the body continues to store fat until the end of the month.

Hearing is developing properly.

The fetus is changed and placed in the seventh month in preparation for childbirth, with its head at the bottom of the uterus.

The bones of the head do not fuse until the time of birth, and this is to facilitate the exit of the child at the time of birth.

Doctors explained that in the seventh month, the child's natural movements should be 10 movements in the two hours, and not less than three movements per hour.

Fetal formation in the eighth month

The weight of the fetus in the eighth month is approximately 2.1 kg, while its length is 45 cm.

The fetus' hearing developed to become larger, and began to listen to its mother's voice and the songs she repeats.

Fetal formation in the ninth month

A normal fetus weighs 50.7 cm, while it weighs more than 3.3 kg.

In the ninth month, the lung may be fully developed to be ready for the fetus for the birth process.



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