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Feeding pregnant women in the first months

 Eating a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy does not mean eating large quantities of food, so if the mother’s weight is normal and she does not suffer from a decrease in weight, she does not need additional calories during the first three months, and in fact there is no mixture for a healthy diet during pregnancy as if The basic principles of healthy eating during pregnancy are completely similar to the health principles for all people, and they are as follows: Eat fruits and vegetables in abundance as they provide the body with fibers that aid in digestion, and various vitamins and minerals, such as iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folic acid. . Eat lean protein. Focus on healthy fats, such as nuts, and focus on foods high in unsaturated fats such as omega-3, and avoid eating trans fats and saturated fats. Avoid fast food, and high-sugar foods that provide the body with extra calories and do not provide important nutrients for the growth and development of the fetus Important nutrients for a pregnant woman Folic acid Folic acid, known as vitamin B9, helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects, and serious malformations in the brain and spinal cord of the child.

The needs of the expectant mother:

 400 to 800 mcg daily before and during pregnancy. Rich sources of folic acid: green leafy vegetables, dried beans, and peas. Calcium Calcium plays a major role in building the bones and teeth of the child, as it is involved in the functions of the nervous system, blood circulation and muscle formation. The expectant mother's needs: 1,000 milligrams a day, and if the mother is in her teens, she needs 1,300 milligrams a day. Sources rich in calcium: dairy products, it is preferable to choose fortified with vitamin D, and some fortified juices also contain calcium.

 Vitamin D helps build the child's bones and teeth, and boost strength. The expectant mother needs: 600 IU daily. Sources rich in vitamin D: oily fish, such as salmon, and other options include fortified milk. Protein Protein plays a major role in a baby’s development throughout pregnancy.

The expectant mother's needs: 71 grams per day. Sources rich in protein: Lean meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are rich sources of protein, and it can also be obtained from other sources such as legumes, nuts, and seeds. Iron Iron helps prevent iron deficiency anemia. Since iron enters the formation of hemoglobin, and during pregnancy, the mother needs a large amount of iron compared to non-pregnant women, to provide adequate oxygen to the child, and severe iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy can increase the risk of premature birth and a low weight for the child. Postpartum depression: The expectant mother's needs: 27 milligrams per day. Iron sources: lean red meat, poultry, and fish are good sources of iron, and other options include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, beans, and vegetables. It is worth noting that iron absorption from animal products is more easily, while iron absorption from sources can be increased. Vegetable or iron pills by eating them with sources rich in vitamin C, such as orange juice and tomato juice, and you should avoid eating foods rich in calcium with iron pills. As it may reduce its absorption. Water helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and severe swelling, and helps reduce the possibility of infection of the urinary tract and bladder. The expectant mother's needs are estimated with ten cups (2.4 liters) of fluids such as water, juices, and others daily, but you should stay away from high-sugar drinks, and it is also recommended to reduce caffeine sources. As some studies indicate a link between high amounts of caffeine and miscarriage and low baby weight, so the expectant mother should focus on healthy drinks, such as milk, fresh fruit juice, and water with lemon. Nutritional supplements You should consult your doctor about taking nutritional supplements such as iron and calcium pills, as the mother may suffer from a deficiency in some nutrients despite a healthy diet, so nutritional supplements during pregnancy help to meet the needs of various nutrients. Unsafe foods for the expectant mother Some foods can be dangerous during pregnancy; Because they contain harmful bacteria, and these foods: uncooked seafood, such as sushi. Unpasteurized milk and cheeses made from it. Raw or undercooked meat and poultry. Nausea in the first months of pregnancy A mother can experience nausea in the first three months of pregnancy, which is usually called morning sickness, but it may last throughout the day, which is normal, as some evidence shows that nausea is nature's way of protecting the child from Potentially harmful foods, and the following points show some tips to alleviate the symptoms of nausea at this stage: Avoid foods high in fat, spicy, and foods with unpleasant odors. Eat carbohydrates, such as baked potatoes or eat a low-salt cracker, and place them near the bed to eat while feeling nauseous. Eat foods rich in Vitamin B6

Consult a doctor if iron pills increase symptoms of nausea. Eat small meals throughout the day, so that the mother does not experience extreme hunger or fullness and full satiety, as this helps to avoid heartburn and indigestion



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