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 AIDS, schizophrenia, AIDS, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is defined as a chronic disease that can cause death, caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) And, in fact, AIDS is an advanced stage of HIV infection, in which a person's immune system is damaged, as the virus can cause a decrease in the numbers of white blood cells, which are one of the cells of the immune system, to reach a stage that loses its ability to fight severe infections and some types of cancer, and it should be noted that most people with AIDS may suffer from serious complications and need medical treatment to reduce the likelihood of death, and in general, each letter of the word AIDS represents an abbreviation of a specific word, and each of them can be explained as follows: Acquired: This term indicates that AIDS can be transmitted from a person infected with HIV to others, and it is not considered a hereditary disease.

Immunity: AIDS often affects the cells and organs of the immune system.

Deficiency: meaning that the immune system does not function in the correct way, which puts it at risk of developing other forms of infection and some types of cancer.

Syndrome: This is a group of common symptoms related to a specific disease. According to the data that was reported, the first case of AIDS was detected in 1981 in the United States of America, and the human immunodeficiency virus has been classified in the current period as a major global epidemic, as one of the studies conducted by the United Nations Joint Program on HIV / AIDS indicates The number of people infected with HIV or AIDS has reached about 37.9 million people worldwide by the year 2018, and among these, there were about 36.2 million adults and about 1.7 million children under the age of 15 years

Symptoms of AIDS

In fact, the symptoms of AIDS differ from one person to another, and the appearance of symptoms depends on several factors. Including the infected person himself, and the stage of the disease from which he suffers, and in general, the symptoms of this disease are divided into three stages: the primary infection, the stage of latent clinical infection, and the stage of AIDS, and each of them can be detailed in the following: The initial infection stage: or what is known With acute HIV infection, in which some people may suffer from influenza-like symptoms within two to six weeks of entering the body, and this condition is known at that time as acute retroviral syndrome, however, it is not possible to confirm infection with HIV simply because these symptoms appear , Since it may be similar to the symptoms associated with some other disease conditions, but if a person believes that he has been exposed to HIV, he can undergo tests to detect infection with this virus to ensure that he is infected or deny that, and in this context it is indicated that the emergence of Symptoms are not inevitable in all cases, as some other people do not have any symptoms even months or years after they are infected with the virus, and symptoms may also result from resistance The immune system for many types of viruses, and in general the symptoms of primary infection include the following: Unexplained weight loss. Joint or muscle pain. Sweating, especially at night. A red rash. Note swollen glands. High body temperature. Chills Sore throat. Feeling tired and unwell. Symptoms of thrush, also known as oral candidiasis

Stage of latent clinical infection:

Or what is known as chronic HIV infection, or asymptomatic, and during this stage, people may not suffer from any disease or symptoms that can be felt indicating that they are infected with the virus, and the reason for this is that the HIV virus remains active at this stage, but it multiplies very slowly, and it must be noted that the infected person may cause the virus to be transmitted to others during this stage, and it should be noted that people who do not receive drugs to treat the virus can continue to have this stage for ten years or more, but some of them may progress to them. Symptoms faster than others, and for people who undergo treatment with antiretroviral drugs as recommended at this stage, the latent clinical stage of infection may last for several decades, and with the end of this stage the viral load begins, i.e. the number of virus in the body to rise, other than The number of cells known as CD4 + T cells, which begin to decrease, and in this context, it is possible to notice the appearance of symptoms on the patient with an increase in the level of The virus in the body, and the transition to the third stage, the stage of infection with AIDS: This stage is the last stage of disease development, and in cases where HIV infection is not previously detected, this may be inferred from the symptoms that appear during the stage of AIDS infection When it develops, and in general, the stage of AIDS is usually represented by severe damage to the patient's immune system, in addition to the decrease in the number of T cells with differential mass 4 to less than 200 cells per cubic millimeter, and as a result, the immune system in the body weakens, which may lead to development Opportunistic infectionsIn the patient, or worsening it, and among the opportunistic infections that a person with AIDS can contract: Kaposi's sarcoma  It is a type of skin cancer, and Pneumocystis pneumonia, and the following is an explanation of the most prominent symptoms that appear at this stage: a fever that lasts for more than ten days. Unexplained weight loss. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck or groin area. Night hyperhidrosis. Feeling tired most of the time

The causes of AIDS

 As mentioned previously, AIDS occurs as a result of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), so that the immune system in the body is attacked, which leads to its gradual damage, and loses its ability to fight infection, which makes the body more vulnerable to various diseases, and it is worth noting that the occurrence of weakness in The immune system can lead to the development of HIV into AIDS if no treatment is received. Nevertheless, the development of anti-HIV therapeutic drugs has reduced the number of people who reach this stage, and about the mechanism of action of the virus in the body it is doing By attaching to CD4 lymphocytes, which work to protect the body from bacteria, viruses, and other germs, and once it adheres to them, the virus enters these cells and begins using them to multiply itself and form thousands of copies of it, and then copies of the virus leave the cells and destroy them, and this process continues until it is reduced High number of CD4 lymphocytes; To the extent that the immune system stops working, it is worth noting that this process may take up to ten years, during which a person can remain healthy.

General ways of transmission of HIV

 AIDS is an infectious disease, and HIV can be transmitted through direct contact with some fluids that are excreted from the body of a person infected with the virus. Such as: semen, blood, vaginal secretions, semen, or rectal fluids, and infection with this virus can also be transmitted from a mother to her child during pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and breastfeeding, and based on the data published by the United Nations Joint Virus Program Human Immunodeficiency / AIDS, the risk of transmitting the virus to the child before and during birth is estimated at about 15-30%, and there are many factors that may affect the risk of infection, the most important of which is the mother's viral load at birth, as the higher the viral load, the greater the risk of virus transmission To the child. There are many factors and methods that increase the likelihood of HIV transmission from infected to healthy, and the most prominent of them can be explained in the following: the practice of illegal sexual relations, or if one of the spouses is infected with the virus, especially if the methods of protection are not used, and in this context It is noteworthy that having sexually transmitted diseases makes people more susceptible to contracting HIV during sexual contact with a person infected with the virus; Among these diseases are: bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia infection, gonorrhea, syphilis, or genital herpes. Use of syringes used by someone infected with the virus, or drug use by injection. Blood transfusion, if the blood is contaminated with HIV, and people who received blood in the United States between 1978-1985 AD before blood samples were tested may have been infected with this virus. Using contaminated or unsterilized tools while making the tattoo; Such as syringes or ink, or the unhealthy practices followed during that. Working in health centers can expose the health care provider to pricking needles infected with the blood of people with the virus, but it should be noted that this is a minor occurrence. Infants who are fed food that has been previously chewed by a person with HIV, as the virus in the blood in the mouth of the infected person can mix with food during chewing, but this is rare and has only been reported in infants. That HIV infection does not occur by hugging or shaking hands with a person infected with the virus, and the virus is not transmitted by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus; Such as: toilet seats, door handles, or dishes used by a person infected with HIV, and the virus cannot spread through the air, or in the water, or through the bites of insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, or other blood-sucking insects.

AIDS diagnosis

HIV is often diagnosed through laboratory tests, and it should be noted that the only way to know whether or not a person is infected with HIV is to undergo relevant tests, as many patients may not show any symptoms and they may feel healthy Good despite their infection with the virus, and it is usually recommended to undergo AIDS tests for all individuals between the ages of 15 and 65 years at least once during their lifetime, as well as for people at higher risk of contracting AIDS, it may be necessary to conduct several tests to confirm or deny their infection with the virus, Also, all women must undergo HIV testing during pregnancy, and it is worth noting that there are three types of tests that can be used to diagnose AIDS, which are: the DNA test, known as NAT, and the antigen / antibody tests. Antibody tests, and antibody tests.These tests are usually performed by taking a sample of blood or oral fluids, and it can also be made on urine in certain cases, and details of each of the As follows: DNA tests: The doctor may recommend DNA tests if a person has been exposed to HIV in the past few weeks, as this examination is the first test that gives positive results after exposure to the virus, and these tests involve Taking a blood sample from a vein in order to detect the actual presence of the virus in the blood. Antigen / antibody tests: These tests are often performed to detect two main substances; They are the antigens and antibodies, and it is worth noting that the antigens represent substances found on HIV, and they may appear in the blood in large quantities within a few weeks after exposure to HIV, and on the other hand, the immune system in the body of the patient begins to produce large amounts of antibodies In the blood when a person is exposed to HIV, and it may take from weeks to months for the antibodies to become detectable, and in general, antigen / antibody tests are usually done by drawing a blood sample from a vein, and the integrated positive result of the test appears with a positive result Each, and this is usually achieved within two to six weeks after exposure to the virus. Antibody tests: It is one of the rapid tests that can be performed at home, and is usually represented by taking a sample of saliva or blood, and in fact it can take 3 to 12 weeks for a positive result to appear after exposure to the virus. It is worth noting that if the result of any of the three previous tests is negative, the patient may need continuous follow-up over a period of several weeks to months in order to confirm the result and the body's free of the virus, and the same is true if the result of any of these tests is positive, then it should be followed up The patient also through other tests to confirm the result and his infection with this virus, and it is worth emphasizing that the positive result of the previous tests means the presence of HIV and not necessarily that the person has reached the stage of infection with AIDS, as it was previously indicated that AIDS is an advanced stage HIV, and this means that not every person infected with this virus is a person with AIDS, and it should be noted that the progression of the virus to AIDS generally depends on whether the patient receives treatment or takes care of his health, and in this context it is indicated that it is HIV infection, its entry into the AIDS stage can be inferred through two methods: The development of opportunistic infections or the number of CD4 cells, and this is exemplified by the development of one or more forms of opportunistic infection regardless of the number of CD4 cells, or if the number of CD4 cells decreases to less than 200 cells per cubic millimeter, taking into account that the number of normal CD4 cells A healthy person has between 500-1600 cells per cubic millimeter

HIV prevention

In fact, there is still no vaccine to prevent HIV infection, and there is no treatment that can achieve a complete recovery from AIDS, but it is possible to educate the soul about HIV, and to follow some measures that may limit the incidence of infection; Including avoiding touching any bodily fluids that might transmit the infection, and the following is the most prominent methods of preventing AIDS: Preventive measures: These include the following: Avoid illegal sexual relations, and if one of the spouses is infected with the virus, it is worth consulting a doctor in this regard and adhering to the instructions To be followed when practicing the marital relationship, and experts recommend in this case the use of methods that avoid transmission of infection; Like a condom, bearing in mind the need to dispose of it after you have finished practicing the relationship and use a new one each time. Ensure that sterile and clean needles are used when injecting drugs, and dispose of them immediately after use, and avoid sharing them with others. Avoid drug use. Male circumcision, as some evidence indicates that male circumcision can help reduce their risk of contracting HIV. Pregnant women seek immediate medical care in the event that they are infected with AIDS, as early treatment can greatly reduce the possibility of transmitting the infection to the child. Avoid tattoos. Medicines: In fact, preventive measures are the basis for preventing the virus, but there are certain cases in which certain types of medicines may be used to protect a person from contracting the virus or transmitting it to others, as anti-retroviral drugs are usually prescribed to treat people who have been confirmed to have HIV In this context, it is indicated that knowing the value of the patient’s viral load and being familiar with the methods of controlling it and reducing this value to undetectable levels would contribute to protecting the fetus from Infection with this virus during the different stages of pregnancy, labor and childbirth, and it can also help prevent the transmission of HIV to a healthy partner during the exercise of the marital relationship, and the pharmacological strategies used in the prevention of this virus can be explained as follows: Preventive treatment before Exposure to the virus, known as PrEP, is one of the preventive methods that involves eating a healthy person who is at risk of infection Infected with HIV A daily dose of specific anti-virus drugs, as happens in cases of a married couple, one of whom is healthy and the other is a carrier of HIV, or if he wants to become pregnant and one of the spouses is a carrier of this virus, as this procedure may help protect the partner Proper and fetus. Preventive treatment after exposure to the virus, or what is also known as post-exposure prophylaxis, and its principle is that a healthy person takes preventive medical treatment within three days of exposure to certain situations that are believed to have caused the transmission of the virus to the person, such as: exposure to sexual assault, or if the condom was damaged during Practicing the marital relationship in the event that the partner is infected with the virus, as this procedure can help reduce the risk of contracting the virus, followed by taking two to three types of antiretroviral drugs for 28 days to prevent the virus from copying itself and spreading throughout the body.

AIDS treatment It is advised to start treatment of the patient immediately after the diagnosis of HIV infection, and experts recommend to seek treatment as soon as possible, and to commit to taking treatment regularly as recommended by the doctor, as this will help maintain the patient’s health and provide him with a good life, and doctors usually prescribe drugs Anti-retroviral drugs, which work on limiting the reproduction of this type of virus in the human body, and it is worth noting that early treatment with this type of medicine has long-term benefits; The most important of them is preserving the strength of the immune system, and even in the late stages of AIDS, treatment is prescribed with the aim of maintaining the health of the immune system as much as possible, and in general treatment with antiretroviral drugs is especially important for HIV-infected pregnant women, and those who have symptoms AIDS, and those who also suffer from other infections; Such as hepatitis or tuberculosis, and in the event that the patient develops an opportunistic infection associated with AIDS, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatments to control this infection. The doctor may perform laboratory tests before starting treatment; For example: genotype testing or resistance testing, with the aim of determining the most effective treatment plan for the patient, as HIV treatment is based on the use of several types of drugs, and different drugs work to resist the virus at its different stages, and the available treatment options will be considered. Subject to certain matters; Such as: the dose and number of pills that the patient will need, drug interactions, and possible side effects, and as mentioned previously, HIV is treated by taking a combination of anti-retroviral drugs, and fortunately there are drug combinations that contain three types of these drugs in one pill One, so that one oral dose of it is taken on a daily basis, and each drug combination has its pros and cons, and it is worth noting that each type of anti-retroviral drug works in a different way, for this reason, the use of a mixture of different types of anti-retroviral drugs that are usually represented Combining at least three drugs is better than using only one or two drugs, except in very special cases, as the use of one or two drugs may cause the virus to adapt and increase its resistance to the drug, which may lead to treatment failure, and in general it is worth noting The side effects resulting from the use of anti-retroviral drugs are controllable and reduce their incidence by following the doctor's recommendations and instructions, and it is worth noting The patient should not stop taking the medicine as soon as he feels better, as being keen on taking drug treatment and seeing the doctor regularly will develop a condition known as viral suppression. This means that the amount of virus decreases to an undetectable level when diagnostic tests are performed, and this is an important goal for treatment.



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