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Fat burning during sleep

The relationship of poor sleep to weight gain

Several studies have proven that lack of sleep is clearly linked to weight gain. When the brain is deprived of the hours of sleep it needs, which ranges between 7-9 hours per day, this leads to making wrong decisions and weakening the ability to control impulses, and the stress that the brain is exposed to prompts the person to eat food until he feels rest, even if the person takes The necessary rest for when I need to increase the amount of food consumed. According to a clinical study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which is based on depriving people of adequate sleep and pushing them to stay up until late at night, the results were that they ate snacks high in carbohydrates. Another 18 similar studies reviewed also indicate that lack of sleep increases a person's appetite for foods high in carbohydrates. In another similar study conducted at the University of Chicago, sleep-deprived people ate meals that contained twice the amount of fat compared to the meals consumed by people who had at least 8 hours of sleep per day. And in another study, it was proved that lack of sleep leads people to eat more of all foods and thus significantly gain weight. With regard to the hormones that control hunger and satiety, such as leptin, ghrelin, and neuropeptin, their work is affected by the quality of sleep and the number of hours it takes. As lack of sleep increases the appetite, and leads to the loss of muscle mass, slows down the metabolism, increases the desire to eat carbohydrates and sweets, increases the body's resistance to insulin, raises the hunger hormones in the person, and the signals of feeling full and fullness decrease to the brain, which makes the person want Always eat more food. Also, sleep deprivation increases the production of the cortisone hormone, known as the stress hormone, which indirectly increases the appetite for food, and increases the processes of converting and storing food in the form of fat instead of storing it in the form of muscles over time, in addition to that, it delays the arrival The brain signals a feeling of satiety while eating, which also means an increase in the amount of food consumed. The solution to all the previous problems lies in preserving the quality and length of sleep during the night, and not underestimating its importance.

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 Methods of burning fat while sleeping

Sleep does not burn fat and reduces weight directly, but lack of sleep impedes the metabolism and metabolism processes in the body, and contributes to weight gain. Where researchers found in a study they conducted that reduced the number of hours of sleep of a group of people during a two-week period, while maintaining the amount of calories consumed, that the percentage of weight loss in them was 55% less than usual, and that they felt dissatisfied and hungry after eating meals And, in a study conducted at the University of Chicago, it showed that not getting enough sleep within just four days, may affect the body's ability to process insulin, and reduce the response to it by 30%, which is the hormone needed to deal with sugar, starches and other foods and convert them into energy. When the efficiency of insulin decreases, the process of treating fats in the blood decreases, and it ends up being stored in the body in the form of excess fat, and among the recommended tips for obtaining a good quality of sleep are the following:

 Leave the bedroom only to sleep and relax, and not engage in other activities in it, such as work and leisure. Not to think about complicated life issues before going to sleep, and work to create a comfortable atmosphere, such as meditation, taking a hot bath, or reading a book. Turn off phones, computers and television an hour before going to sleep. Establish a specific sleep and wake time, even on vacation days.

Monitoring the time and quality of eating food, avoiding heavy meals and drinking alcohol before going to sleep, which may cause heartburn and make sleeping difficult,

It is also advised to stay away from soft drinks, tea, coffee and chocolate after two o'clock in the afternoon; Because it contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that remains effective in the body for 5-6 hours after consuming it. Sleep in the dark; As the darkness acts on the secretion of the natural sleep hormone (melatonin), which is difficult to secrete in the light.



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