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Belly fat

Belly fat appears due to the accumulation of fat, especially visceral fat in the abdominal area, which can release fatty deposits into the bloodstream, and the accumulation of fat in the blood is responsible for most health problems associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, And cardiovascular disease, impaired glucose tolerance, and other health problems, and according to the standards of the World Health Organization, central obesity or abdominal fat is defined as an increase in the waist circumference of 94 cm for men, 80 cm for women, or an increase in the waist-to-hip ratio of 0.90 for men, and 0. 85 for women and this type of obesity may also affect people with a normal body mass index.  

burn belly fat in a week?

 There is no specific diet or product that can burn belly fat in a short period of time, and getting rid of these fats may require effort and time, especially if the body stores fat naturally in the abdominal area, and to get rid of this fat You should maintain a lower consumption of calories compared to what is burned daily, as a calorie-restrictive diet combined with exercise helps to get rid of extra weight and total body fat

Tips to burn belly fat

 The following points explain some tips to burn belly fat: Limit the consumption of sweetened drinks: such as; Sweetened tea, sweetened coffee, and soft drinks, as the consumption of these drinks is associated with increased visceral fat, and it is also recommended to reduce the amount of sugar added to coffee or tea, and to avoid the consumption of fizzy drinks, as one observational observational study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior indicates that increased consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with higher levels of belly fat and the hormone cortisol among young people who are obese or overweight. Reducing the consumption of refined carbohydrates: Simple or refined carbohydrates are low-nutritious foods high in calories, and therefore their consumption is associated with the accumulation of belly fat, and examples of these carbohydrates are; White bread, refined grains, and sugary foods. It is recommended to eat complex carbohydrates instead, such as fruits, vegetables, and pasta made from whole grains.

 Eat more vegetables and fruits: they are characterized by their fiber content; They help regulate blood sugar levels, as belly fat increases the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes, and fruits and vegetables are a healthy alternative to simple carbohydrates.

Avoid eating foods that contain trans fats:

Trans fats are produced by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats such as; Soybean oil, and these fats are available in some processed foods, margarine, and others, yet many food producers have stopped using them, and it should be noted that eating these fats is associated with increased belly fat, according to a preliminary study conducted on animals and published in the journal Obesity . Eat adequate amounts of protein: Protein helps to reduce feelings of hunger and reduce weight, and its intake is associated with a lower waist circumference, according to an observational, observational study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.It is important to choose the types of protein foods that are rich in nutrients and low in their fat content. Saturated and calories, such as seafood, soy, lean meats, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products. Avoid stress and get enough sleep: Stress causes the secretion of the hormone cortisol, which affects the appetite, and causes you to eat more food, and stress can be reduced by following some methods, such as; Practice yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. In addition to the need to sleep for a sufficient number of hours ranging from 7-8 hours, according to what the National Institutes of Health indicated. A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine on overweight adults who followed a caloric diet to reduce weight stated that Lack of sleep in them is associated with a decrease in the rate of loss of body fat, and on the other hand, getting adequate sleep hours will preserve muscle mass in the body. Avoid smoking: quitting smoking helps to lose belly fat, and improves exercise performance, in addition to many It is one of the health benefits, and it is advised to try to stop smoking as a first step before starting a specific calorie diet, and it can help the doctor to devise a suitable plan for that, as smoking would increase belly fat and visceral fat, there is a direct relationship between them, and therefore it is not good To control weight, according to an observational observational study published in the journal Plos One.

 Other tips: Such as drinking plenty of water, adding walking to the daily routine, being mindful when eating and practicing eating slowly to avoid overeating.

Exercise and burning belly fat

 As mentioned earlier, increasing physical activity is an important factor in burning fat, and to reduce belly fat, many exercises can be practiced. Such as; Aerobic exercises or cardiovascular exercises; It is important for promoting health and burning calories, and many studies have indicated its role in fat loss, such as a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which has indicated that aerobic exercise can reduce stomach obesity and reduce the risk of infection. Also, strength exercises are useful in helping to reduce belly fat and losing weight, and in general adults are advised to engage in moderate-intensity exercises for at least 150 minutes per week, such as cycling at a speed of less than 16 kilometers per hour, and brisk walking At a speed of about 5 kilometers per hour, exercise water aerobic, and it is recommended to do high-intensity exercises at a rate of 75 minutes per week, such as; Cycling at 16 kilometers per hour or more, jogging, swimming and jogging



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