When following a diet, you should pay attention to some mistakes that can hinder the burning of fats in the body and cause it to be difficult to lose excess weight.
Mistakes that hinder burning fat during dieting
Many people follow good diets, yet it is difficult for them to lose weight, due to some errors that can hinder the fat burning process.
Here are the biggest mistakes that affect your metabolism and make it difficult to lose excess weight.
1- Not eating enough protein
It is important to meet the body's protein requirements when on a diet, as protein aids weight loss in a variety of ways.
Protein raises the metabolic rate and preserves muscle fat during weight loss, reducing appetite and increasing the sense of fullness. As a result, you won't eat as much.
And if you follow a protein-free diet, the fat burning rate will decrease.
Fiber reduces hunger by staying in the stomach for a long time, creating a long-lasting sense of fullness.
As a result, if you don't consume fibre, you'll be more hungry and eat more calories during the day, which will slow down fat burning.
3- Continuing to eat sugars
Sugars are one of the most common foods that hinder fat burning and cause weight gain, yet many people do not give up sugars, especially when consuming various drinks.
It is advised to avoid sugars during dieting to enhance fat burning.
4- Not exercising while dieting
Following a diet without exercising will make the task of losing weight difficult, as exercise greatly speeds up fat burning.
Therefore, care must be taken to exercise daily while dieting, and to choose exercises that are appropriate for the body to burn fat accumulated in different areas.
5- Not drinking water
The desired result in losing weight cannot be achieved without drinking water, as water helps increase the body's metabolism, and it also leads to a feeling of fullness and a decrease in the desire to eat.
During the diet, it is recommended that you drink as much water as possible.
6- Not sleeping well
Lack of sleep causes disturbances in the body's hormones, including the hormones responsible for
hunger and satiety. When the body does not get enough sleep, the level of the hormone hormone rises
and the satiety hormone levels drop, leading to a rise in the appetite to eat late at night.
To preserve hormonal levels, go to bed early and sleep for at least 7-8 hours.
7- Feeling nervous and anxious
Stress causes the body to increase the production of the hormone cortisol, and this hormone increases
the desire to eat sugary foods that provide energy to the body temporarily, which increases the intake of foods that cause weight gain.
8- Excessive exercise
Many people think that increasing exercise will increase fat burning and lose excess weight, and this is
Excessive activity, on the other hand, spikes cortisol levels in the body, finding it impossible to lose stubborn fats.
To support the burning phase, you must strike a balance between exercise and rest.
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