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15 of the fastest ways to lose weight .. realism!

95% of people who lose weight gain weight again more than before due to their pursuit of the fastest ways to lose weight. 

How do we maintain weight? How to contribute to the weight loss process and why is it important to sleep and eat snacks (wisely)? All the answers are in the following article:

15 of the fastest ways to lose weight .. realism!

1. Drink a lot of water

 efore every meal or snack - drink a glass of water. 

People often confuse feeling hungry and thirsty, and in fact you can eliminate the feeling of hunger with a glass of water instead of filling with more calories.

2. Choose your nightly meals wisely

Unconscious eating occurs most of the time after dinner, when relaxing with the family or in front of the TV. 

Either close the kitchen door after a certain hour in the evening, or allow yourself to eat a low-calorie snack (up to 100 calories) for the night meal, like half a ball of ice cream.

 3. Enjoy your favorite foods

Instead of completely abstaining from your favorite foods, eat a little bit of whatever you like. 

Buy one piece of your favorite pastry instead of a whole box, or a small box of your favorite sweets instead of a big, family-friendly box. 

Moderation is the key to the fastest way to slimming.

4. Eat several small meals during the day

 If you eat fewer calories than you burn in physical activity, this is one of the fastest ways to lose weight. 

But if you are hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be a challenge for you. 

Studies have found that people who eat 4-5 small meals during the day instead of 3 large meals have better control over appetite and weight. 

Dinner (between seven and eight) should be the last meal you eat of the day.

5. Eat protein at every meal

Protein is the most full-on nutrient - it is more saturated than carbohydrates and fats and causes a feeling of fullness for a longer time. 

Also, protein aids in preserving muscle mass and promotes fat burning. 

Make sure to include protein in every meal, such as cheese, lean meats, soybeans, nuts, beans and eggs.

 6. Spices

Adding spices to your food contributes to a feeling of satiety. A

food rich in flavor can stimulate the taste glands and be more saturated, so that you ultimately eat - less.

7. Fill the kitchen with comfortable and healthy food

A kitchen in which meals are ready to eat and to be reheated contributes to weight loss success. 

So that the probability of buying ready meals or pizza, for example - is reduced. 

Make sure you have the following foods in the kitchen - frozen vegetables, whole wheat pasta, low-fat

 cheese, canned tomatoes, canned beans, cooked and frozen legumes and lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.

8. Order small meals in restaurants or share it with someone else

When sitting in the restaurant try ordering small meals, or ordering a regular meal and saving half of it for your next meal. 

Another way to cut calories and spend is by sharing the meal with another person.

9. Substitute a cup of vegetables for a cup of pasta.

Eating less pasta and bread and eating more vegetables will cause your clothing size to decrease by one degree within a year. 

You can save between 100-200 calories a day if you reduce the percentage of carbohydrates in your meals and increase the percentage of vegetables. 

This is considered one of the fastest ways to lose weight!

10. Always eat breakfast

Skipping breakfast sounds like a good way to lose weight. 

However, studies have found that people who skip breakfast tend to be hungrier during the day which actually increases their weight. 

Eat a high-fiber breakfast like wholegrain, high-fiber and low-sugar breakfast, with skimmed milk and fruits.

11. Add fiber to your diet

Fiber aids digestion, prevents constipation and reduces cholesterol, all of which are considered one of the fastest ways to lose weight. 

Most of us only eat half of the fiber we need. 

Most women should eat about 25 grams of fiber every day and men should eat about 38 grams of fiber per day, or 14 grams per 1,000 calories. 

Sources rich in fiber include oats, beans, whole foods and a variety of fruits and vegetables.

 12. Keep foods that cause obesity from the cupboard

If you carry chips in the bag and ice cream in the fridge, you are making it difficult for yourself to lose weight. 

Reduce the temptation by removing foods that cause obesity from the house. 

Do you want to pamper yourself sometimes? Get out of the house and buy one delicious thing for that moment - you'd better walk the way to the store.

13. Slowly reduce your weight

If the weight loss is not as fast as you wanted it to be, do not allow it to affect you. 

Reducing weight takes time. 

Experts recommend setting realistic goals such as reducing half a kilogram to one kilogram per week, according to the initial weight. 

You will begin to see the health and aesthetic effects of weight reduction after reducing 5% -10% of body weight. 

Do not be anxious for the fastest way to lose weight.

 14. Measure your weight once a week

People who measure their weight regularly and on steady days tend to be more successful in the process of losing weight. 

Weighing should be measured once a week and no more than that, as many factors affect our weight on a daily basis. 

Measure your weight at a steady hour, on a fixed day of the week, and on the same scale. 

Also, make sure that the weight is measured with the same clothes.

15th . Get enough sleep

When you do not get enough sleep, the body produces more ghrelin - which stimulates hunger, and

 reduces the production of the hormone leptin - which stimulates feelings of fullness. 

Ensure adequate sleep to contribute to the success of the weight reduction process.



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