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Treatment of early baldness and its causes

 Treatment of early baldness and its causes

The problem of early baldness is one of the problems that men have more than women, and there are treatments that may help reduce them.

The problem of early baldness (Alopecia) can affect both the scalp or the whole body, and this effect may be temporary or sometimes permanent, and in most cases this problem is due to a genetic cause, hormonal changes, or some cases Medical, or it could be a normal part of aging.

Early baldness is more common in men, and one of the most important reasons for its occurrence is the genetic factor, especially as the individual ages.

Treatment of early baldness and its causes

And many individuals may not resort to treating this problem and leave it without any treatment, but others resort to using make-up to fill in the blanks, hats, or scarves, or applying some hair styles in order to hide baldness, and some individuals may use some types of treatments necessary to reduce From hair loss or in order to regain its growth.

Causes of early baldness

The genetic cause is the main or primary cause of the problem of baldness, that is, due to the genes that the individual inherits from his parents, and scientists believe that genes may affect the sensitivity of the hair follicles to the hormone known as (DHT), which leads to its shrinkage, and other reasons that cause In the case of baldness and hair loss, the following include:

Suffering from some diseases such as; Anemia or problems with the thyroid gland.

Exposure to radiation treatments or chemotherapy.

Use of some types of medicine such as; Blood thinners, high doses of vitamin A, in addition to the use of some types of steroids (Anabolic steroids) in order to build muscle.

Having problems with the individual's diet, that is, getting too little iron or too much vitamin A.

Stress, anxiety, and scalp infections may also cause premature baldness

Early treatment of baldness

Methods of treating early baldness vary, and among the most important methods used most often in order to treat it are the following:

1- Pharmacological treatments

The use of some types of over-the-counter medicines, and it is worth noting that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of two types of drugs to treat early male pattern baldness, in particular, namely:

Minoxidil: It is considered an over-the-counter medication in the form of a foam or liquid, and it is applied to the scalp twice per day in order for the hair to grow and prevent its loss as well.

Finasteride: It can be taken daily, but it must be available by prescription from a healthcare professional.

2. Hair transplantation

One of the most popular hair transplantation procedures is; Follicular unit transplantation and Follicular unit extraction:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This process is done by removing some skin from the back of the scalp i.e. from the place where hair is abundant, and then removing hair follicles from this strip of skin, and at the end the follicles are reinserted in a part The scalp where the individual suffers from baldness and hair loss.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): In this transplantation, hair follicles are removed directly from the scalp, and transplanted into the parts or areas where the individual suffers from baldness, and it must be noted that hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, so it may sometimes be painful. And expensive, too.

3. Laser treatment

Many individuals believe that early laser treatment of baldness reduces the inflammation in the follicles, which prevents them from growing, and some studies have shown that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is safe and effective when used in the treatment of baldness and hair loss in men.

4. Change the lifestyle

Among the most important lifestyle changes that a person must make in order to treat early baldness that he may suffer from are the following:

Stay away from smoking.

Scalp massage.

Eat a balanced diet.

Do some checks from time to time.

Reducing stress and tension.



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