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 Diseases that affect the brain

The brain is the body's main control center, but there are many diseases that affect it, in this article we will learn about diseases that affect the brain.

There are many examples of diseases that affect the brain, so in the following article we will explain some of them:

Diseases that affect the brain The brain is the body's main control center, but there are many diseases that affect it, in this article we will learn about diseases that affect the brain.  There are many examples of diseases that affect the brain, so in the following article we will explain some of them:

Diseases affecting the brain: what are they?

There are many diseases that affect the brain and fall into several categories, including:

1. Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury is an example of diseases affecting the brain that can lead to temporary or permanent problems, such as: physical or mental disabilities, or sometimes death.

Types of traumatic brain injury

There are several types of traumatic brain injury, including:

Brain concussion that causes temporary impairment of brain function.

Intracranial hematomas, which result from bleeding inside the brain, and these tumors range from mild to severe.

Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury

Various traumatic brain injuries cause many symptoms, such as:

Feeling confused and confused.

Dizziness and balance problems.

Double or blurry vision.


Memory loss and trouble concentrating.

Convulsions and seizures.

Causes of traumatic brain injury

There are many causes of traumatic brain injuries, including:


Vehicle collision.

Violence and quarrels.

Sports injuries.

2. Brain tumors

Brain tumors are another example of diseases that affect the brain, and they may appear as a non-cancerous benign tumor or a tumor.

Types of brain tumors

There are many types of brain tumors, such as:

Choroid plexus carcinoma.


Tumors of the pituitary gland.

Symptoms of brain tumors

Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor, its size and its growth rate, and among the general symptoms that may accompany brain tumors, we mention:

Recurrent or more severe head pain.

Feeling sick and vomiting.

Vision problems, such as: double or cloudy vision.

Change in behavior and personality.

Difficulty with speech.

Causes of brain tumors

Primary brain tumors may appear due to the presence of mutations in the DNA of some brain cells, which cause them to divide and grow at abnormal speed while the death of normal cells.

As for secondary tumors, they appear due to the emergence of cancer in another organ and its spread to the brain.

3. Neurodegenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases appear because nerve cells lose their function over time, which ultimately leads to their death.

Types of nerve degenerative diseases

There are many neurodegenerative diseases, such as:

Parkinson's disease.

Alzheimer's disease.

Huntington's disease.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Motor neuron disease.

Symptoms of nerve degenerative diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases cause many symptoms, such as:

Problems with balance and coordination.

Difficulty speaking and breathing.

Short-term and long-term memory problems.

Problems with heart function.

Causes of nerve degenerative diseases

There are many factors that contribute to neurodegenerative diseases, such as:

Exposure to pesticides.

Poisoning by minerals, such as: arsenic.

air pollution.

4. Mental health diseases

Mental health diseases are among the examples of diseases that affect the brain and change the way a person thinks, acts, and feelings.

Types of mental health illnesses

Mental health diseases are varied, including:



Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Symptoms of mental health illnesses

Symptoms may not appear in all cases of mental health diseases, and among the general symptoms we mention:

Change in personality.

Anxiety overload.

Change in sleeping or eating pattern.

Mood disorders.

Feeling nervous and violent.

Causes of mental health illnesses

Mental health conditions are caused by problems with the communication between nerve cells in the brain, which leads to a change in the chemical of the space between the two nerve cells.

Diseases affecting the brain: diagnostic methods

Diseases that affect the brain are diagnosed through several diagnostic methods, such as:

Radiographs, such as: computed tomography, magnetic resonance, and fMRI.

Examination of cerebrospinal fluid to diagnose brain tumors, bleeding, autoimmune diseases and infections.

A neurological examination that assesses mental state, balance, sensation, reflexes, and the cranial nerves and autonomic nervous system.

Diseases that affect the brain The brain is the body's main control center, but there are many diseases that affect it, in this article we will learn about diseases that affect the brain.  There are many examples of diseases that affect the brain, so in the following article we will explain some of them:

When to see a doctor?

You should visit a specialist immediately after some symptoms appear, such as:

Feeling frequent and severe head pain.

Feeling of weakness in the muscles.

Feeling confused and dizzy.

Problems with coordination of movement.

Feeling of total or partial paralysis.

Changes in sensations related to touch, look, smell and taste.



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