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Bad breath: its causes and ways to get rid of it

 Bad breath: its causes and ways to get rid of it

There is no need to be ashamed of bad breath anymore, know its causes and treatment, here are all the details in the next article.

The phenomenon of bad breath is spread among many people, and the causes and treatment methods differ depending on the severity of the problem.

Bad breath: its causes and ways to get rid of it

Causes of bad breath

To get rid of bad breath, we must first determine its causes, as these usually differ from one person to another, and the treatment methods differ according to the individual causes of each case, so when the causes are dealt with properly, the condition of bad breath will improve as a natural result, and these are some of the possible reasons:

1- Mouth odor and dental hygiene

Neglecting or improperly cleaning the mouth, gums and teeth may be the main cause of bad breath, so following the correct methods and at the correct pace as well, may work to solve the problem radically, as not doing this may cause the accumulation of food residues between the teeth, which may lead to accumulation of bad breath. :

The harmful plaque is formed.

Raise levels of bacteria inside the mouth.

The emergence of bad breath, which can only be eliminated by cleaning the teeth well.

2- Mouth odor and nutrition

The food you eat daily may cause bad breath, and this may happen when:

 Eat food that smells strong, such as onions, garlic, and spices.

Drink strong-smelling drinks, such as alcohol or coffee.

The accumulation of food constantly between the teeth and for long periods.

3- Mouth odor and dental treatments

Sometimes the patient may resort to some therapeutic and cosmetic solutions that may cause an unpleasant smell to the mouth, such as:

Neglecting cleaning of dentures

Neglecting the cleaning of orthodontic appliances.

This may lead to a buildup of bacteria and thus bad breath.

4- Mouth odor and smoking

Smoking and consuming any tobacco product of all kinds may cause one of the following:

The emergence of bad breath.

The emergence of many gum and dental problems.

5- Mouth odor and health problems

Some oral health problems may cause bad breath, including:

Dry mouth, saliva works to clean the mouth and get rid of food remnants first, and when the secretion of saliva decreases, this function falls short, which leads to the appearance of bad breath.

Infection of the mouth, teeth and gums with infection, inflammation, or ulcers.

Infection with some diseases not directly related to the mouth, such as pneumonia, sore throat, sinusitis, GERD, and others.

6- Mouth odor and taking medications

Taking some types of medication may lead to:

Dry mouth.

The secretion of chemicals that affect mouth odor.

Ways to get rid of bad breath

Bad breath can be eliminated by making some changes that will have a great impact, including:

Drinking more water, and not neglecting to take enough water daily.

Follow a proper teeth cleaning routine, and this includes:

Use the toothbrush at least twice a day, using the appropriate toothpaste for the condition of your teeth and gums, for a period of at least two minutes.

Using dental floss at least once a day, and inserting and moving it between the teeth in the correct way.

Using mouthwash once or twice a day and gargling for a sufficient period (approximately 30 seconds), brushing the teeth only does not guarantee that you will reach all areas in the oral cavity, but with the help of a mouthwash containing Miswak extract, you will be able to do so, as the mouthwash reaches 100 % Of the oral cavity, cleans it, and eliminates germs and bacteria that cause bad breath, not only that, but also reduces the risk of gum and dental problems.

Use a special brush to clean the tongue daily.

Visit the dentist regularly to perform the necessary periodic checks and maintain oral and dental health.

Limit the consumption of strong-smelling foods, especially before important appointments, such as garlic, onions, cheese and sausages, which may remain in the mouth for a long time.

If the problem of mouth odor persists, see a dentist, to find out if there are other health problems or diseases that you need to treat.

If the bad breath problem is not eliminated despite following all the previously mentioned advice, the doctor may resort to surgical solutions or laser treatments.



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