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What is the reason for frequent yawning?

 What is the reason for frequent yawning?


 Yawning is one of the involuntary actions of humans and even animals. Its aim is to fill the lungs with air as much as possible. Where a person opens his mouth so tightly that the pharynx opening becomes four times larger than the normal and usual situation, and yawning continues for about (6) seconds during which the neck and face muscles shrink and the eyes close, and in that period all sensory information stops for a limited period that is sufficient to isolate this person from what is going on around him. The duration of the yawn. It was found that the fetus in its mother’s abdomen yawned so intensely that the observer through the sonogram calculates that its jaws will separate from each other despite the fact that this fetus does not breathe through the lungs.

Factors associated with yawning

The severity of sleepiness. Time to approach bedtime. Waking up. Feeling anxious and restless. A moment of relaxation. The time of feeling hungry. When a person is tired or unable to take extra effort.

Causes of frequent yawning

 It is said that yawning opens the Eustix duct located between the pharynx and the left ear, but logically this process is not the main cause of yawning, and it is known in practical life that yawning is associated with fatigue, sleepiness and fatigue, in addition to that it is disliked socially and not liked, being the person who yawns He opens his mouth in an unpleasant way in front of people. Opinions differed as to the cause of frequent yawning. There are those who say that yawning alerts a person to sleepiness in order to stay awake, and according to the doctors ’view that yawning occurs when the body needs oxygen as a result of its low and high carbon dioxide, and this may be the most common reason, and some see it as a counter reaction to protect the lungs from atrophy. As for psychologists, they interpret yawning as a warning to the occurrence of a struggle in the soul, and the conflict is between the soul's refusal to sleep and the body between its need for sleep and rest, and there are those who see it as a way to expel polluted air from the lung, and it restores blood flow to the brain. There is a scientific study carried out on the embryos by means of sonogram. Where it was found that the fetus after yawning makes vigorous movements compared to its movements before yawning, and concluded from this study that yawning is not an indication of a person’s need for oxygen or sleep, but rather that indicates his need for movement and activity and getting rid of inactivity and activating the heart muscles.

Benefits of yawning

 It renews air and expands the lungs.

It improves the oxygen levels in the blood.

It helps the brain to cope with changing situations.

 It stimulates muscle and joint activity.

It gives the body energy and makes it feel awake.



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