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Pork harms to human health


The pig is one of the animals that eats all the excrement, dirt, rubbish, and even the output of other animals in front of it. Its body is full of microbes, parasites and worms, and it digests what it eats within four hours, which makes the toxins that are found in what it eats to be deposited in its body quickly, and it is also one of the animals that Do not sweat, and this is another reason that leads to the deposition of toxins in his body, as it is known through sweat that living organisms get rid of toxins, and some farmers put snakes for the pig to feed on them because it is not affected by their toxins and this increases their risk. Pork contains a higher percentage of fat than beef, and this increases the harms of eating it, so what are the harms that eating pork may cause to humans?

Damages of eating pig

Studies have shown that pork causes a lot of harm to humans, including:

Infection of the body with viral diseases as a result of the parasites that the pig feeds on. These parasites do not die when the meat is cooked, regardless of the temperature. These diseases appear in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, fever, dehydration and abdominal cramping.

Infection with diseases caused by trichinosis, which is transmitted to a person when he eats meat, and this worm grows in the human intestine and increases in size and can reproduce, and it may move from one place to another through the gastrointestinal tract and reach the blood and attack the muscle tissue, and cause damage to the heart, lungs and brain. Tricanella capillary worm in it leads to the development of spinal cord paralysis and the appearance of a rash.

Cardiovascular disease caused by high cholesterol in the blood due to eating pork, and the high fat content of these meats increases the risk factors for the heart and arteries. Infection of the body with infections in the nerves, joints, kidneys, lungs, and meningitis. Significant weight gain due to the high percentage of harmful saturated fats, and this causes damage to the heart and various parts of the body.

 Bladder cancer, studies have shown that pork cooked at high temperatures creates some heterocyclic amines, which are responsible for increasing the risk of bladder cancer.



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