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What are the symptoms of pregnancy 9 days before the period?

What are the symptoms of pregnancy 9 days before the period?

 Pregnancy is that beautiful feeling that when any woman feels it turns her life upside down, it is the one who works on the continuation of life, and it is he who makes the woman feel that she is a crowned queen, and he makes her feel fear for this little creature that God has placed in her womb, so what are these Symptoms through which a woman knows that she is pregnant.

What is the concept of pregnancy?

Pregnancy refers to the pregnancy of a woman from a man through fertilization of the sperm of a male and the egg from a female, and this process takes place in mammals, and the process of pregnancy and childbirth differs from one creature to another, as it varies in duration, in humans pregnancy takes place in 9 months, and after that the birth process.

Formations of the fetus occur during these months, as all its organs are formed, in addition to changes occurring in the mother during this period.

What are the stages of pregnancy?

The stages of pregnancy for a woman are divided into three stages, and each stage takes 3 months, until it reaches the stage of childbirth, which is 9 months, and each stage differs from the next stage in a number of things, and we offer you the 3 stages:

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1- The first stage of pregnancy

The first stage of pregnancy is the most important and dangerous stage of pregnancy, during which a woman is exposed to many rapid changes, as well as the fetus.

The mother has some changes, including feeling some pain in the breast, in addition to the frequent feeling of wanting to vomit, feeling nauseous, and feeling tired and exhausted.

Also, women are always in a state of mood swings, as in some cases they feel happy, and at the same time they may feel a state of anxiety and depression.

As for the fetus, it is a rapid growth period, as the child's brain as well as his spinal cord may be, and the feet and toes of the hand begin to take their natural shape, in addition to starting to pump blood by the heart.

It is also necessary during this period to take good care of the health of the mother and the fetus, and follow-up with the doctor to learn the best ways to take care of the health of the mother and her fetus.

2- The second trimester of pregnancy

In the second period of pregnancy, some of the pains of the first stage begin to disappear, and the mother begins to enjoy the pregnancy, as during this period she can see her fetus on the ultrasound machine.

Her breasts also begin to swell, in addition to changes in the color of her skin, and the mother begins to feel the movement of the fetus, and the fetus during this period is able to listen, in addition to smiling.

3- The third stage of pregnancy

This stage is the last stage before childbirth, and a number of changes occur to the mother, such as the occurrence of swelling of the mother's foot, in addition to the feeling of pain in the back, and some psychological pain due to anxiety about the birth and childbirth.

During this period, the child's movement increases, and the child is completely complete, and then the doctor determines the date by which the date of birth will be.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy 9 days before the period?

There are a number of symptoms that precede the date of the menstrual cycle of a woman who is pregnant, and these symptoms are:

The woman feels some cramps in the abdomen, in addition to feeling nauseous, with some drops of blood coming out of the vagina, and this blood is as a result of the egg beginning to implant in the uterus.

There is also a distinctive sign of pregnancy 9 days before the period, which is strange sensitivity at the beginning of pregnancy to some smells of some foods.

Also, women in this period tend to greedily eat, and continuously.

Women are exposed to chronic headaches, or migraines, and this is due to the significant changes in hormones during pregnancy.

In this period, the fetus puts pressure on the mother's bladder, so a woman is exposed to frequent urination, as well as constipation.

Also, women are subject to changes in their psychological state, sometimes women feel upset, anxious, depressed, and sometimes they feel happy.

A woman has a low level of blood in the body, so at this time she always faints.

The mother feels constant fatigue, fatigue, lethargy and laziness, and these symptoms are due to the significant increase in the proportion of the hormone progesterone.

She also always wants to go to sleep early in pregnancy.

The woman feels exhausted and tired without making any effort, in addition to the fact that her body temperature is constantly high.

The failure of the menstrual cycle to come on time, and its interruption is one of the most important reasons that confirm pregnancy.

Symptoms of pregnancy confirmed two days before the period

There are a number of symptoms that assure a woman that she is pregnant, two days before the onset of her period, and these symptoms include:

A large number of physical changes occur to women, the most important of which is the large increase in hormones, which leads women to feel pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the noticeable increase in breast size.

Changes in the color of the woman's body, which becomes dark, in addition to changes in the nipples.

The noticeable rise in temperatures that women feel in a continuous way.

The appearance of a month in the woman’s body, due to the abnormal situation, in addition to the woman’s feeling of sleepiness and the constant desire to sleep.

Also, a woman may be exposed to the appearance of a dark black color on the face, and this is known as a "spider birthmark."

The woman continuously feels headache, with swollen gums.

Women always need to go to the bathroom frequently, with constipation.

Her heart was beating very quickly, and she felt dizzy due to her low blood pressure.

Sure, a pregnant woman's hormones can change a lot, so she usually has a sore back.

Pain in the left ovary ten days before the period

The menstrual cycle is a difficult period that passes for a woman, and the woman feels with it, and before it, with a number of changes, in addition to feeling some fatigue and fatigue, especially with some pain in the ovaries, and among the most important causes of ovarian pain in a woman ten days before the period are:

The occurrence of pregnancy, as pregnancy is one of the most important causes of the variables and pain that occur to the ovaries, as the feeling of pain in the ovaries before the date of the period is among the signs of the possibility of pregnancy in a woman.

The occurrence of these natural tendencies in the lower abdomen area, when the woman’s menstrual time approaches, and these pains are normal during this period, as one of the ovaries releases an egg, which leads to the woman feeling pain.

But in the case of severe pain that cannot be tolerated, the situation is considered abnormal, and it is possible that the ovaries suffer from some diseases.

Ovarian pain may be the result of ovarian congestion, as well as the uterus.

The reason may also be that the woman's pregnancy outside the womb.

The occurrence of adhesion of the ovaries in an abnormal position, and this occurs as a result of the woman's exposure to a number of surgeries.

Also, women may be exposed to polycystic ovary disease.

It is also possible for women to become infected with bacterial or fungal diseases, sometimes due to diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.



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