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Symptoms, causes and treatment of pregnancy miscarriage

Symptoms, causes and treatment of pregnancy miscarriage

Food causes abortion of the fetus

Food that causes the abortion of the fetus, the fetus in the womb depends completely on the mother to provide him with ways of life, but sometimes abortion occurs for reasons related to the nature of the woman's make-up and her body or because of external factors related to the nature of the food that she eats, so it is proven that there are foods that cause abortion.

Miscarriage foods

Pineapple: It contains the protease enzyme that affects the vagina and increases its elasticity, which leads to miscarriage, especially in the first months of pregnancy, and this enzyme is found in papaya fruits, so it is advised for the pregnant woman to stay away from them.

Citrus fruits:

 They contain high levels of vitamin C, and this vitamin is one of the main causes that lead to increased uterine contractions and thus abortion, such as oranges, lemons and tangerines, it is advised to stay away from them.

Raw eggs:

Most eggs contain a germ called salmonella harmful and cause the weakening of the pregnant woman, high temperature, poisoning and thus the occurrence of early miscarriage.


 Many types of cheese are made from unpasteurized milk, which contains many microbes, parasites, and germs harmful to a woman's body that may lead to miscarriage.


Even though we know that the liver is full of iron, which is very useful for pregnant women, especially for pregnant women, the liver is the filter of the animal’s body in which waste, germs and toxins accumulate and thus can endanger the health of the fetus and the mother and the occurrence of miscarriage.

Foods that abort a pregnant woman

Green tea:

It contains substances and compounds that reduce fertility and lead to increased uterine contractions that may lead to miscarriage, so it is advised that pregnant women should refrain from drinking it, especially in the first three months of pregnancy.

Sesame seeds:

Despite its benefits, it is considered one of the most foodstuffs that may lead to miscarriage and fetal loss, because it contains compounds that increase uterine contractions, so a pregnant woman is advised to stay away from it completely.

vitamin C:

And foods rich in it because it causes continuous contractions and contractions in the womb, so eating it in large quantities leads to miscarriage, especially in the first months, such as kiwi and papaya.


Papaya contains papain, which leads to the fix that it leads to abortion, so it must be avoided completely as it contains substances that act as a laxative for the stomach.


 Although it is full of calcium, which is beneficial for the health of the mother and the fetus, it leads to the contraction of the uterus, which results in internal bleeding and miscarriage.


According to the researchers, drinking large amounts of caffeine during pregnancy may lead to miscarriage or low birth weight, and these foods are coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks.

Processed meats:

 Eating it during pregnancy is not safe for the health of the fetus and the mother, because it contains types of bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella or Toxoplasma Gondi, which may lead to poisoning and thus miscarriage.

Fish with high mercury:

Mercury is a highly toxic element, and there is no safe level or ratio for it, so pregnant women are advised to avoid eating foods that may be rich in it, such as shark, tuna and swordfish.

Methods to prevent a miscarriage

The expectant mother's dependence on a balanced and healthy diet that provides her with everything she needs, exercising permanently and continuously until the fetus gets used to movement and bends and is not exposed to harm and harm.

Refrain from drinking alcohol or narcotic substances, as well as avoiding drinking caffeine in large quantities.

Avoid drinking cigarettes and smoking or any smoked substance and away from smoking areas to protect the mother and the fetus.

Consult a doctor when feeling unexplained fatigue and severe fatigue, and maintain direct contact with him to avoid any sudden damage.

Not to take any kind of medication and painkillers without consulting a doctor, as well as nutritional supplements and vitamins, you should consult a doctor about the correctness of taking them for a pregnant woman to ensure their contents.

Eat adequate amounts of folic acid daily and eat foods rich in it.

Stay away from people who suffer from any diseases, no matter how mild, especially if they are contagious.

Maintaining a normal weight and avoiding losing weight or gaining it above the normal range.

Avoid vaginal infections.

Herbs cause immediate abortion

Herbs play two different roles, as they are used to enhance and confirm pregnancy and contribute to preserving it, or they can be a causative factor in immediate abortion, depending on the type of herbs used.

Palmetto herb:

It is considered a dangerous herb for a pregnant woman because it produces hormonal activity that affects the pregnancy and interferes with it, causing an immediate miscarriage.


 It comes from Africa and it is forbidden to use this herb completely during pregnancy. It has serious side effects such as high blood pressure and heart attacks, which leads to miscarriage.

Black or blue cohosh:

 It is considered one of the dangerous herbs for a pregnant woman, as it stimulates miscarriage and labor, so it is very dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Dangerous herbs for pregnant women

Chinese Angelica:

In the past, it was used for treatment, but it should be avoided during pregnancy, so it is classified from the herbs that cause immediate abortion, which increases the contractions and contractions of the uterus and works to thin the blood.


Eating large amounts of it causes immediate miscarriage.

Lavender herb:

When taken orally, it can cross the placenta and affect the health of the fetus.

Aloe Vera:

 They contain latex, which stimulates uterine contractions, so pregnant women should refrain from them.

Symptoms of a miscarriage

Miscarriage occurs suddenly in the early stages of pregnancy, and its symptoms and signs vary according to the stage of pregnancy, but there are basic symptoms of its occurrence.

Cramps and cramps occur in the uterus, abdomen, and lower back.

Vaginal bleeding occurs.

Tissue, lumps, or secretions from the vagina.

Feeling dizzy and sometimes faint.

Weight loss.

Drinks harmful to pregnant women

Thyme: When used in large quantities during pregnancy, it may cause allergic reactions

Sage: it may result in a miscarriage, so it is better to stay away from it

Cinnamon: Using it in large quantities during pregnancy is harmful to the pregnant woman because it stimulates the contraction of the uterine muscles and thus the occurrence of miscarriage or premature labor.

Chamomile: leads to contraction of the uterine muscles, and sometimes sensitivity leads to miscarriage or premature labor.

Anise: Drinking it in large quantities during pregnancy may lead to increased contractions in the uterus and increased heartburn, sometimes with skin irritation.

Medicines that cause miscarriages

Many women resort to taking medicines in the first months of pregnancy, especially during the period when they are not aware of their pregnancy in the first place, and this leads to an increase in the incidence of miscarriage.

Medicines without consulting a doctor, including:

Medicines Naproxen Aleve

Celecoxib Celebrex medicines

Estrogen medications, in the form of injections and intramuscular needles, to cause a miscarriage

Isuretinoic acid is used to treat pimples and acne, but it causes fetal birth defects and early miscarriage.

Quinine, extracted from the eucalyptus plant, is used as a pain reliever and fever reducer, but it causes miscarriage for pregnant women.

Problems arising from taking medications

Heart problems occur in the fetus.

Significant birth defects of the fetus.

The mother is more likely to be exposed to the dissolution of the placenta.

Decrease in the rate and percentage of amniotic fluid in the mother.

The period when the risk of miscarriage has passed

When the pregnant woman reaches the fourteenth week, and the doctor can hear the heartbeat of the fetus, this is the first sign and evidence of the health and safety of the pregnancy, and the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced.

Healthy eating for a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman must eat a diet that provides her with all the important vitamins and nutrients she needs, so she must.

Eat high-fiber foods such as legumes, rice, pasta, vegetables and fruits.

Drink adequate quantities of fluids, the most important of which is water and natural juices, and avoid anything manufactured.

Eat foods rich in calcium, so a pregnant woman should ensure that she gets 1000-1300 milligrams of calcium per day, including in her diet.

Eat foods rich in iron, such as spinach, beans, and lean meats.

Eat vitamin C, found in oranges, tomatoes, and green peppers.

Folic acid is found in dark green leafy vegetables, veal, and legumes.



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