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Weight gain after natural childbirth

 Weight gain after natural childbirth

Weight gain after natural childbirth,

 calories contribute to an increase in the body, the number of calories at an average of 500 calories per day equates to an increase of half a kilogram per week, and it is possible for women to increase the number of calories by eating foods rich in calories such as starches such as potatoes and sweet potatoes and eating oil Olives, grape seed oil, peanut butter, nuts, bread, dried humor, whole milk and pasta, for example when a woman eats bread spread with peanuts and honey, this contributes to supplying the body with approximately 350 calories.

Nutritional needs of a breastfeeding woman after a normal delivery

Once a woman has passed out from the stage of childbirth, she needs proper and strong nutrition so that she can complete the rest of the stages of motherhood, and the first of which is the stage of breastfeeding that needs good nutrition, so breastfeeding is one of the most important stages that a woman and her baby go through.

And she must take good care of proper nutrition for her and realize from the beginning that her body is the one that manufactures milk and not only a store for it, and the process of making milk requires a lot of calories because the body loses many minerals and nutrients that the woman must compensate for that. She takes this point into account in her daily duties that she should increase her calories while taking into account her daily needs.

Snacks help you gain weight

Doctors recommend eating a snack every two hours or every 3 hours maximum between the main meals to increase weight, for example for these snacks a mixture of peanut butter with bananas, a mixture of chickpeas with crackers, yogurt with added peanut butter and nuts and a slice of bread spread with honey and butter. Almonds, or bread spread with olive oil.

Supplying the body with protein

Doctors recommend adding an amount of protein and calories while preparing meals, for example we can use milk instead of water when preparing meals containing grains such as oats, or we add seeds, nuts and dried fruits to hot and cold cereals in addition to cheese and milk and prepare mixed juices with yogurt And peanut butter.

Exercise and weight gain

Doctors advise women who want to gain weight to practice strength exercises that help in gaining weight by building muscles, such as weight-lifting exercises that help gain weight by converting calories into muscles instead of converting them into fat, and doctors recommend practicing these exercises twice up to 4 times a week, taking care to gradually increase the weight that is lifted.

Tips to gain weight

There are many ways to help gain weight, including avoiding drinking water before meals because it fills the stomach and thus the inability of the woman to eat a high amount of calories, in addition to eating additional meals before bedtime or when the ability to do so, and it is also possible. Eat whole milk and eat large portions on large plates.

It is possible to increase the number of main meals per day, as it is possible to eat from 4 to 6 small meals per day, in addition to eating meals that provide the body with great energy such as pastries and ice cream with the possibility of eating ready and fast meals on a daily basis, and the use of prepared salads and mayonnaise Always eat alongside more meals containing carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread and pasta, and add butter and ghee to food as an alternative to oil.

Important tips to increase the weight of the pregnant woman

It is important for a woman to eat three dates a day while continuing to eat cheese and full-fat dairy and eat bananas daily, whether on its own or by mixing it with nuts and milk, replacing black bread with white bread, not drinking liquids during eating and postponing it until after eating and leaving appetizers and salads to be Eat it after you finish the main course and eat large amounts of dried fruits.

Adding an amount of sweetness to breakfast and dinner meals or eating it in a snack between meals, in addition to eating large amounts of fruits and vegetables, with less movement, not continuing to exercise, eating large quantities of nuts and chocolate on a daily basis, and a lot of dates.

It is possible to eat grains used to open the appetite and increase the protein, biscuits and cakes full of calories, add olive oil to the salads and eat meat containing fat in addition to a lot of fried foods such as fried potatoes, fried chicken and fried fish, and eating salmon constantly because it contains many calories.



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