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The mechanism of action of the human heart


The mechanism of action of the human heart

The heart The human body consists of a group of organs that work together in an integrated manner to carry out its various functions in life, and the most important of these important organs is the heart, which is a hollow muscle the size of a fist, which works like a pump in the human body to carry blood loaded with food and oxygen to all parts of the body And the re-pumping of the blood loaded with carbon dioxide coming from the organs to the lungs, to work in turn to purify it and load it again with oxygen, and so on, and this process is called circulatory

The mechanism of action of the human heart

 Heart installation

The heart is located in the middle of the chest and is distinguished by its many-detailed structure, as it consists of four chambers, namely the left atrium and the right atrium in the upper region of the heart, in addition to the right ventricle and the left ventricle in the lower side of the heart, and the two ventricles and atria are separated by the so-called atrioventricular septum. The heart wall consists of three layers: the endothelium, the cardiac muscle, and the pericardium, and the heart contains four valves: the aortic valve, the mitral valve, the pulmonary valve, and the tricuspid valve.

How the heart works

Muscle cells are stimulated to contract as a result of nerve signals arising in the atrial sinus node located in the heart tissues, and this contraction leads to pushing blood to all parts of the body, and its reception of blood from other organs in the body, and the resulting nerve signals cause many contractions in the heart so that between each Contraction and the other diastole of the heart muscle, and during that diastole the heart receives blood that will pump it to the parts of the body later. The heart contains a network of branches throughout the body, which is formed by this network of arteries

N, which works to transport blood from the heart to all tissues and cells of the body, and veins that draw blood again from the body's cells and tissues towards the heart after the cells and tissues have obtained the necessary food and oxygen, and when fatty substances are deposited in these blood vessels This leads to many health problems. Such as: atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and strokes. The heart can obtain its food through the coronary arteries, which transport the blood loaded with oxygen and food into the heart and thus reach the various tissues and cells of the heart.



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