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Stages of human life 7

the growth

Growth science is the science that studies the changes that occur to a person, and lead to changes in his behavior over successive stages of time from the moment of fertilization to the moment of death, starting from his childhood stage, through the stage of adolescence and adulthood, to the stage of old age. As for growth, it is the set of sequential changes that lead the individual to maturity and its continuation to reach its highest stages, and then begins to decline and decline. As the stages of human growth include increase in one direction, then decay in another direction, for example the vital functions of a person increase and continue to increase until he reaches the middle of his fifty years of age, then they begin to decline, and through the process of growth the capabilities of people develop, and this appears. Possibilities in the form of skills and personal qualities related to the extent of maturity associated with biological, physiological, and neurological aspects, and its learning from practice, training, and the formation of experiences. , Which occur according to a certain organized and integrated style in a series of time periods, and these changes appear in the various formative and functional aspects of living organisms, which include humans and other living things. The change in the behavior of the organism is also closely related to its growth, as it can be said that the growth of the organism in general and the growth of the human in particular is an integrated process that can be measured and evaluated with a high degree of accuracy, and it is a set of interrelated changes that include the anatomical aspect in the formation of the individual, and the physiological aspect , And the behavioral aspect. Growth has two basic aspects. The first aspect relates to organic or formative growth, which is related to physical characteristics such as height, weight, physiological growth, sensory growth, and the growth of various body systems in general, and the second aspect relates to behavioral growth, and includes the growth of psychological functions, emotional growth, and social growth In the sense that growth is an organized and integrated chain that runs from the inside out, meaning that at the beginning the internal body systems grow, followed by the growth of the external organs, and every person goes through these stages, even if their growth is delayed at some point, and any weakness in The process of growing young leads to problems in old age, and poor growth in one side leads to negative effects on the other aspects. Also, the stages of growth are interrelated stages, in which no stage can be separated from the other, so each stage in the chain leads to the next stage. As for the fastest stages of growth, they are the embryonic stages, and growth is rapid in the beginning, to be balanced in the stage of youth and manhood, and it becomes slow as a person approaches old age.

Stages of human growth

The characteristics and features that occur in the growth process can be classified, and then attributed to specific age stages. The scholars divided the growth process into stages to facilitate their study and determine the features and characteristics of each stage. This also enabled them to determine the requirements and needs of each stage, and the division and classification of the stages of growth were adopted. Based on the physical, organic, and endocrine characteristics of each stage. The following is a presentation of the most important of these stages

Before birth

 It is called the embryonic stage, and it begins with the occurrence of fertilization and ends with the occurrence of birth. This stage is of particular importance. As it is the stage in which life begins and the various body systems are formed, as well as the internal and external organs grow, and in it also the importance of genetic traits that are transformed into abilities, capabilities, and behaviors Because of the importance of this stage, scientists and researchers have given special care to know the appropriate conditions that must be provided for the mother in order for her fetus to grow in normal conditions. Most of the medical and psychological studies have indicated that the relationship between a pregnant woman and her fetus is a strong and interdependent relationship, as the mother's poor nutrition and lack of vitamins and nutrients in her body during pregnancy negatively affect the health of her fetus, and her various emotions such as anxiety, fear, or severe emotions negatively affect the fetus. Also, it has also been found that the mother's abuse or drinking of drugs or smoking during pregnancy, especially in the first months, has a significant impact on the safety of the fetus, especially as the fetus grows and increases in size very quickly.

The stage of infancy or the cradle

 and the stage of infancy or the cradle stage begins at birth, when a natural child is born full of physical development, and all his organs are able to function, so he is able to breathe, swallow, digest, and involuntarily excrete. His muscles are weak, his bones are soft, and he cannot control his movements. It is worth noting that newborns differ from each other, as there are individual differences between them. Therefore, no newborn should be compared to another. These differences include weight, size, height, and even suckling, crying and shouting. The child grows and his abilities and capabilities develop over time, as he develops from month to month in height, size, weight, and facial features, and his internal body systems such as the nervous, glandular, urinary, reproductive, respiratory, and other systems of the body also develop. . And the cradle stage continues until the end of the second year of life.

Early childhood stage

It is called the kindergarten or pre-school stage. This stage begins from the third year and continues until the end of the fifth year, and at this stage a set of changes occur at the physical, physiological, motor and sensory development, mental and emotional development, and with what follows a set of characteristics and general features that characterize the child at this stage and from These characteristics: children's lack of interest in what adults demand, and passivity and resistance prevail over their behavior. The child is characterized by rebellion and rebellion, and his nervousness increases. The child is characterized by activity, a lot of movement, and playing with everything he sees in front of him, and he is very inclined towards jaw and composition. The child's questions and chatter increase, and the curiosity increases. The child acquires language skills, various motor skills, and his personality develops significantly. The child at this stage can control the excretion process, and reach the physiological balance. The child begins to imitate, males tend to imitate men, and females tend to imitate women. The child acquires some abstract concepts, begins to use pronouns, understands what is meant by what is forbidden and desirable, and begins to differentiate between right and wrong. The child distinguishes between good and bad, especially in situations that occur in close periods of time or in immediate situations.

Middle and late childhood

This stage is called the primary stage, and it starts from the age of six to the age of twelve, and many researchers divide this stage into two parts, the first starting at the age of six and ending at the age of nine, and the second beginning at the age of ten and ending at the age of twelve, and this part is the childhood stage The late stage, and this stage can also be called the quiet childhood stage; Due to the quiet changes that occur in the body compared to other age groups. Among the changes that occur at this stage, especially in the age stage 7-9 years, is that the child begins the process of replacing the deciduous teeth to be replaced by permanent teeth, and begins to make new friendships and interact with the community, and also resigns from home by spending long times outside. At this stage, individual differences between children are clearly visible, and the sense of touch develops to a large degree, and the child reaches a degree of calm and stability compared to the previous stages, and the speed of self-development increases. It also tends to have the same sex during play, so females play with females, and males play with males. It is worth noting that these characteristics do not occur in other life stages, in addition to the occurrence of many changes at the physical, motor, physiological, sensory, mental, and emotional levels.


This stage begins with the onset of puberty or sexual maturity and continues until the end of the twenties, and it can be said that the onset of puberty varies from one individual to another according to individual and sexual differences, for example, females reach puberty before boys. At this stage, personality features, features and natures appear, and begin with relative stability to result in The emergence of an individual who bears responsibility in his society, and is fully prepared to bear family and social burdens, and that the stage of adolescence indicates a period of time that begins with puberty and ends with full maturity of the various stages of development. The meaning and duration of adolescence also differs for different peoples and different cultures. There are societies where adolescence ends in the early second decade of life, that is, the early twenties, and there are societies in which adolescence extends beyond the twenties of life. Among the demands of growth during adolescence is the formation of a sound concept for the individual towards his body to realize that God Almighty created people They differ in their capabilities, social, physical, and mental capabilities, and one must accept this in order to lead a happy life. In addition, the individual must be educated properly sexually, and to accept any physical and physiological changes that occur to him, whether he is male or female, and he must acquire the characteristics of a good citizen, complete the stages of his education, prepare to assume responsibilities, and learn to be financially and intellectually independent and depend on himself. And to build a good family, as he must learn to control his sexual impulses, and to learn religious and moral values ​​appropriate to the surrounding environment. It is worth noting that the stage of adolescence can be known its onset, but it is difficult to determine its end, as scholars divide the stage into early adolescence starting from 13 years to 15 years, middle adolescence that begins at the age of 15 years and ends at the age of 18 years, and late adolescence that begins at the age of 19 years and ends at the age of 21 Year.


This stage begins after the adolescence stage ends, i.e. the beginning of the third decade of life and continues until the beginning of the aging stage in the seventh decade, and some researchers divide this stage into two parts, the first beginning in the third decade and continuing to the fourth decade, which is the youth stage, and the second part is the stage of adulthood and includes On the fifth and sixth decade of a person’s life. This stage is considered one of the longest stages, and it also differs in different societies. There are several factors that lead to a difference in the duration and specialization of this stage, such as early aging, retirement age, education levels, economic and cultural levels, and this is affected by the ability of the young person to self-reliance and independence from his family. Of course, it can be said that physical growth is completed by the end of adolescence, which makes the individual eligible to enter adulthood.

The stage of aging

And the aging stage begins with the end of the stage of adulthood and the beginning of the stage of disability. This stage is usually called the pyramid stage or the third age, and it can be said that the more a person ages, the closer to the pyramid or disability stage. This stage is the phase of the gradual consumption of body organs. It is also difficult to accurately determine its onset, and its onset is affected by several factors, including the quality of nutrition, the individual's profession, the surrounding environmental conditions, and the extent of disease spread. Some specialized researchers say that aging is a stage of life in which there is a general weakness in the health of the individual, weakness in his muscle strength, as well as reduced physical and sexual energy in general, as well as weakening his senses and memory. During it there is some imbalance, agitation, and a feeling of depression; As a result of fear of death, the individual must be fully prepared for it, and one of the things that the elderly must achieve is that he is satisfied and content with what is happening with him in terms of health problems, and he must also change the type of activities he performs in proportion to his physical capabilities, and that He changes his inclinations and interests if he is retired from work, and is ready to accept help from others, whether they are his relatives, his children, or his friends, and he must be ready for his children to be distracted from him, and to accept the idea of ​​separating his loved ones, whether they are dead or unable to make continuous visits.



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