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How to expel toxins from the body

 How to expel toxins from the body

Toxins in the human body Many chemicals are deposited in the human body. Due to external factors such as car exhaust, factory smoke and cigarettes, polluted water that a person drinks daily, and processed food whose intake has increased; Where these pollutants harm the human being, and with time their percentage in his body increases, and all of them have led to the human being living an unstable life system.

 With the increase in the level of toxins in the human body, they must be removed by all available methods. Because it affected the human body’s organs and cells, thus it lacked oxygen, vitamins, and required minerals, and was filled with metabolites and waste products resulting from it, which exposed it to the accumulation of new types of bacteria and viruses, and the body also began to store these harmful substances in connective tissues, which impedes their original work. In defending the body, and regulating the work of its organs, all of this man feels distress, and abnormal changes in his body.

Ways to get rid of toxins from the body

The body expels many of the accumulated toxins by itself, through the liver, the digestive and respiratory systems, and sweating, but it needs help with the increase of pollutants; Because the toxins that enter the body on a daily basis and accumulate in it are greater than its ability to get rid of them, and one of the methods used to get rid of toxins: follow diet programs; To get rid of toxins from the body, and one of the most important of these programs is fasting, and is limited to fruits and yogurt only. Eat some types of foods that help stimulate the body to expel toxic substances, such as: turmeric, strawberries, mint, oranges, lemons, olive oil, onions, and wild thyme. Eat organic, toxin-free foods. Drink plenty of barley and ginger drinks, in addition to parsley, coriander, tea, and chicory. Drink water in adequate quantities daily. Water helps dissolve toxic substances in the blood, and increases the effectiveness of the kidneys' work, which expels toxins out of the body, through perspiration or excretion. Drink natural juices from fresh fruits. Because they contain antioxidants that fight toxins in the body, such as juices: licorice, blood-purifying grapes and diuretics. Drink a cup of green tea. It purifies toxins from the blood. Maintaining the cleanliness of the teeth, by brushing them always. Practice deep breathing; To get rid of their toxins in the lungs. Use natural skin care products that are free from perfumes, sulfates, and other harmful substances, by paying attention to their ingredients before purchasing them, as they are safer for the skin. Exercise for at least thirty minutes a day; It activates the blood circulation in the body, which leads to the movement of toxins.

Symptoms of toxins in the body

A person may feel tired, lose vitality and activity, and may be irritable or tense. Therefore, the doctors agreed that there are indications for the human body, in which certain toxins are found in it, and most of these symptoms may not be sufficient to go to the doctor, so the infected person tries to solve the problem himself, and among the signs of a toxic level inside the body are the following:

 Permanent fatigue: The body feels this fatigue even after taking a sufficient amount of rest, and this is evidence that the body is facing difficulty getting rid of its toxins.

Bad breath: Bad breath is often associated with digestive problems, and this may mean that the liver suffers a lot while it is getting rid of toxins.

Constipation: Every day, the intestine gets rid of large amounts of toxins. Therefore, when constipation occurs, the elimination of toxins is slow, especially when large amounts of preservatives and chemicals are consumed. Weight gain in a way that cannot be returned to normal weight: This condition requires a complete change of the diet, not just reducing the food that a person eats.

Excess sensitivity to odors: Sensitivity may be a usual thing for some people, but this means that the body fights excess toxic chemicals in it, especially if the feeling of headache or abdominal pain is associated with smelling those smells. Muscle pain: If a person begins to feel frequent pain in some muscles, this is an indication of the presence of toxins in them.

 Skin reactions: the skin is a mirror that reflects the high level of toxins in the sweat cells that is happening behind it. Where these toxins cause the appearance of pimples, pimples, and rashes, and all of this occurs as a result of toxins in food, skin care products, or the environment surrounding the person.

Organs responsible for purifying the body

The liver is the largest organ responsible for eliminating toxins in the human body. Every substance that enters the body from anywhere up to the skin passes through it, and the liver converts toxic substances into water-soluble elements. So that the body can excrete it with urine, just as the kidneys rid the body of toxins resulting from drugs and other chemicals. Where they filter the blood, and excrete toxins in the urine.

 The intestine also removes the body from large quantities of solid toxins, and this is done by the beneficial bacteria present in the intestine. As these bacteria break down the undigested materials, so the intestine gets rid of large amounts of heavy fats and minerals inside it, and the respiratory system in turn gets rid of toxic gases in the body, by secreting mucus to prevent solid bodies from penetrating the body, as for the skin, which is the largest immune and primary defense system for the body. The sweat glands secrete sweat containing toxic substances from the remnants of the water-soluble metabolism, such as: urea and uric acid.



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