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Lack of focus treatment

Increasing focus helps increase productivity, and this means that focus is very necessary, but many people suffer from a lack of focus or lose it in many times, so we offer you some of the most important things that help increase and improve focus.

Lack of focus treatment

Dedicating at least an hour to the practice of meditation by focusing on breathing and how the air enters and exits, as it has an important role in calming the blood circulation and increases the feeling of peace. Reducing the huge goals, and trying to gradual goals to avoid failure, which leads to a loss of focus, while small goals help to obtain better results. Choosing the time that is best for the person and the most comfortable for him, and feels that it is the time when he can be more productive. Take enough sleep, especially in the evening, at night. Not eating a lot of food; This will reduce focus, due to the feeling of satiety and difficulty in digestion, as for eating small amounts of food, it works to speed up the metabolism processes without feeling uncomfortable or full. Avoid forcing oneself to do certain things too much, because the mind rejects that and will increase the lack of focus and productivity. Wear light clothing as much as possible; This helps you feel comfortable. Sitting in a comfortable atmosphere, especially in the picturesque surroundings. This helps to feel peace, calm and comfort. Sitting alone for some time can help increase focus and feel more relaxed. Not to delay performing some tasks out of laziness, as this will increase the feeling of fatigue and increase the burden. Doing some mental exercises that increase focus, such as solving some puzzles, crossword puzzles, or participating in some enthusiastic discussions. Exercising daily exercises that suit the health status of the person. Use blogging up-to-date, especially in identifying tasks and things that must be done, in order to avoid feeling lost between ideas and losing focus. Take a quick break especially at work. Seek help with some matters when needed. Eating berries will help increase focus, due to their content of antioxidants that stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Drinking green tea helps focus the caffeine and theanine content. Eat green, leafy vegetables. It stimulates the capabilities of the brain due to its good content of antioxidants and carotenoids. Drink enough water. It gives the brain good electrical energy that improves brain function, including thought processes and memory



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