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Contents of first aid kit

first aid kit

 We are all exposed, young and old, to many accidents inside and outside the home, such as: burns, fractures, bruises, wounds, and coma, and sometimes the health condition of the injured depends on the good behavior of those around him, and the availability of medicines and materials to help the injured quickly until he is transferred to the hospital Or the doctor reached it; Therefore, the first aid bag must be available at home, in the workplace, and in the car, and to make sure that this bag contains all the materials and tools necessary to aid any injured person, and in this article we will get acquainted with the contents of the first aid bag, and the priorities to be followed when treating the injured.

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#first aid

Contents of a first aid kit Home or office bag The following are the most important contents that should be provided in the first aid kit at home:

 Adhesive tape. Special narcotic drugs for itching,

And rashes and insect bites in the form of a spray, ugsul.

 Cotton gauze for wound sterilization and coverage, size 4 square inches, like a soft eye patch.

 Elastic compression bandages (ACE Bandage) in various sizes to be used for stabilizing splints, or for wrapping gauze to cover wounds, and for wrapping sprained joints.

Adhesive bandages in different sizes.

 Anti-allergic drugs such as oral antihistamines.

Topical corticosteroids for the treatment of rashes.

Burn ointment or cream. Medical gloves to prevent infection.

An antibiotic ointment for minor wounds.

Non-stick bandages to cover cuts and burns. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation pocket mask.

Resealable plastic bags to be used as a container for pollutants, or as an ice pack.

A clamp pin (safety pin) for fixing the triangular bandages and for removing splinters.

 a pair of scissors. Triangular bandages (bandages tied to the neck) in roll and band form.

Tweezers to remove splinters and ticks. Easy to use cold compresses.

Eye-sterilization lotion. Alcoholic swabs, or ethyl alcohol

Travel bag

When going on a trip or outing, be sure to prepare a first aid bag in which the necessary medical tools and materials are available, and the importance of this bag increases if the destination is far from populated areas, and among the most important components of the first aid bag for trips are the following:

Adhesive tape. 4 square inch sterile gauze.

Anti-diarrhea. Antacids.

 Antiseptic liquid soap for hands and wounds.

aspirin. Adhesive bandages in all sizes. Antihistamines.

 Topical corticosteroids for the rash.

 Ointment for burns. Handbook on first aid.

A lighter for use in sterilizing tools, to light fires in the wilderness to keep warm, and to send distress signals in emergency situations.

Cough medicine. Dental care kit.

Medical gloves. Small flashlight.

Anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen). Insect repellent.

Swiss knife (multifunctional knife).

Soft and durable Mollskin cotton fabric to cover blemishes.

Decongestant nasal spray.

Non-stick wound dressings.

An antibiotic in the form of an ointment.

Oral decongestant.

A phone card containing at least 60 minutes of calling, and a list of important people to reach in case of emergency.

Resealable plastic bags.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation pocket mask.

Safety pins are large and small. a pair of scissors.

Sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Thermometer. Tweezers.

Emergency blanket. Personal medications

After preparing the first aid bag

 It is agreed upon the importance of having a first aid kit at home, but its mere presence will not help much in emergency cases if there is no knowledge of how to use its components, so it is assumed that books explain the principles of first aid, and it is also possible to enroll in a first aid course. For the bag, it must be kept in a specific place agreed upon by all individuals in the house, provided that it is dry, cool and easy to access, and the bag must be constantly inspected to dispose of expired materials or medicines and replace them with new ones, and to make sure that all components are always present and compensate for what is consumed directly.

First aid priorities Sometimes a person’s life may depend on the extent to which those around him know about first aid priorities, as follows:

 Ensure that the place is free of any dangers that threaten the lives of both the injured and the paramedic. Examine the patient's response, ability to speak, and awareness of the injury he had suffered. Ensure that the airway is open by extending the patient on his back, placing one hand on his forehead and two fingers of the other hand on the chin, tilting the head back, lifting the chin, disposing of the dentures if any, and removing anything blocking the airway. Ensure that the victim is breathing by observing the movement of the chest, or mouth, or by bringing the cheek to the face of the victim, to make sure that there is air coming out of the patient's mouth or nose. Start artificial respiration for the injured if he is unable to breathe with pressure on the victim's chest to enhance blood circulation. Make sure of the pulse of the victim. Examination to check for open wounds, swelling, or abnormalities, and dressing wounds if any. Putting the victim if he is unconscious but breathing in the recovery position, in order to make sure that he is not exposed to a blockage of the airway later, as follows: Remove the glasses if they are present. Place the patient's arm closest to the medic at the right corner of the body, and pick up the second hand and place it on the chest. Pulling the injured knee away from the medic and lifting it off the ground, making sure that the foot is flat on the ground, and grabbing the knee and pulling it to rotate the injured body towards the medic. Pull the leg a little so that the knee and hip are at a right angle with the body, in order to ensure that the injured person does not roll. Gently tilt the head back until the airway is open. Call emergency 



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