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How do I get to the right weight

How can we maintain an appropriate weight after an easy and healthy diet or diet trip, without regaining this lost weight, or having a stable weight .. 

What are the factors that lead to the stability of weight, or what are the causes of lack of burning or lack of metabolism that are always associated with diet regimens And the different diet .. 

The answer to that is with a summary of the following healthy eating and weight loss in a safe way

How do I get to the right weight

The diet was easy

Slimming and weight loss methods

Losing weight is not as simple as diet experts will believe you. 

Slimming requires you to make tremendous changes in your lifestyle, some of which are so complex that it may push you to despair from achieving targeted slimming. 

while others the results of slimming are so simple and small that you will not realize the change! The

 golden rule for losing weight is that if you eat less than usual, you will be able to shed the extra pounds. 

Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it sounds, because people often have problems keeping their mouths in the hard test. 

With us, and through Diet News, we will tell you about the latest and easiest ways to lose weight and stay in better health.

There are multiple ways to diet, and there are many types of diet followed and their results are good for

 a period, then always there is a stabilization in weight for a period and after another period, the 

restoration of the lost weight occurs, and from We may reach more weight than the first !!!!! 

But all the different types of diet focus on a specific reason or theory of the causes of obesity and ignore the multiple causes of weight gain ...

Summary of healthy and continuous slimming methods on a natural and documented basis according to recent scientific studies and research for the treatment of obesity and weight gain

Easy and healthy ways to lose weight are:

If you have the determination and will, will you be able to overcome obesity and excess weight in a

 natural way and make healthy and beneficial eating your lifestyle and facilitate your diet without complications

It is preferable to regulate the way and times of meals, and to follow a healthy diet to reduce weight

  1. Preventing white sugar completely .. All foods or drinks that contain sugar should be avoided
  2. Avoid snacks or eating between meals and use drinks instead of them that help to raise the rate of burning, such as green tea, coffee or green coffee, cinnamon and ginger syrup (all drinks without sugar or even without sugar substitute)
  3. Avoid any foods that contain white flour altogether (pasta, baked goods, sweets ...)Relying on the local brown bread and avoiding sweets made of white flour, biscuits and pizza ...
  4. Avoid food that contains processed meals (hamburger - sausage ...
  5. Avoid soft drinks and juices containing sugar
  6. Drink plenty of water -
  7.  Not to use any sweeteners that substitute sugar
  8.  Increase the content of meals of all kinds of vegetables and fruits
  9. Using olive oil when eating, relying on natural butter, and limiting the use of vegetable or hydrogenated oils or margarine.

Reliance in eating on specific main meals that include protein from meat, chicken or fish naturally, and preferably grilled - cheese, curd, eggs and beans - municipal bread .... Sweet be fruit.

1- Avoid sugar in your food or drink altogether

The most important part in reducing excess weight and raising the rate of burning (metabolism) in the

 body is to reduce sugars or refined sugar because of its many damages to public health in addition to

 the main course of obesity, weight gain and high fat deposition in the body and abdomen.

When you do that, your hunger levels will decrease, and you end up eating a low-calorie diet.

Now instead of the easy and rapid burning of sugar for energy, your body starts burning stored fats.

Another benefit of completely preventing diabetes in our meals is that it reduces the high level of

 insulin and is considered one of the main factors for the occurrence of weight gain, which also causes the reduction of excess water from the body. 

This reduces bloating and unnecessary water weight in the body

Cut refined sugar from your meals, and you'll start eating fewer calories automatically and without hunger.

Simply cutting sugar from food, juices, and beverages of all kinds will weaken the fat

Bottom Line: Removing refined sugar from your diet will reduce your appetite, lower your Insulin levels are lowered, and you lose weight without feeling hungry.

2- Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits

A protein source, a fat source, and a low-carb vegetable should be included in each of your meals.

Preparing your meals this way will automatically enter your carbohydrate intake into the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.

3- Protein sources

Meat: beef, chicken, rabbit, lamb, ...

Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, shrimp, ...

Eggs: Whole eggs with yolk are best.

It is impossible to overestimate the value of consuming a lot of protein.

It has been shown that this increases metabolism by 80 to 100 calories a day.

High-protein diets can also reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, cut the craving

Simply adding protein to your diet will cut your late-night snack in half and make you feel so full that you consume 441 less calories a day.

When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of the best diet and health.

4- Low-carb vegetables











Don't be afraid to pile these low-carb vegetables on your plate.

You can eat large amounts of them without going over 20-50 net carbs per day.

A diet that is mostly based on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

5- Sources of healthy fats

olive oil

Coconut Oil

Avocado oil

Canola oil (rapeseed oil)

Omega-3 Oil (now available from vegetarian sources of flaxseed)

Natural butter (buffalo or beef)

6- Eat 2-3 meals a day

Main meals depend on protein, vegetables and fruits, and between meals, rely on drinks that increase the rate of burning (metabolism). 

They will give you a sense of satiety because they will increase the burning of fats stored in your body and replace it with the energy you need and reduce your sense of hunger.

And do not rely on any snacks, between the main meals, these snacks will have great harm in reducing your burning rate, and thus you will find it very difficult to sensitize and lose weight.

Don't be afraid to eat fat, because trying to do both low-fat and low-fat carbs at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and abandon the plan.

To see how you can group your meals, check out our Low-Carb Meal Plan and List of 101 Healthy Low-Carb Recipes.

Summary of the healthy diet:

Format your meals from a protein source, a fat source, and a low-carb vegetable. This will put you in the 20-50 gram range of carbs and significantly reduce your hunger levels.



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