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5 embarrassing diseases for men that they hide from women!

We are not trying to reveal your secrets, dear man, that you conceal in front of the other party, we just

want to tell you that having embarrassing diseases for men is not something that requires concealment,

so you can, dear man, consider that what you will read is just a reminder that these diseases that you

hide from your partner, ( Although she can often know what you are hiding and in what way), it is first and foremost for you to seek treatment for her.

5 embarrassing diseases for men that they hide from women!

5 embarrassing diseases for men that they don't want women to know about

When you are my dear man in a romantic relationship, you undoubtedly like to appear in the best and

strongest image as (the impossible man), but now let's go back to the (reality), so whether he was

married or still in the beginning of the relationship, there are some diseases that may You are infected

with it, but you consider it embarrassing and are keen to hide it from your partner.

Sorry, but now we will have to raise the curtain about what you do not want the other party to know. Rub your eyes well now and do not be shy ..

1-High feminine hormone in men

Is there a man who does not want his appearance, voice, and looks to be purely masculine? 

The feminine hormone, although it is specific to females, it is also present in men in a certain percentage, but the balance between female and male hormones may be disturbed in the man’s body, and what will happen is unfortunate. 

This may cause symptoms such as lack of growth of body hair, softness of the voice, and poor growth of the genitals, but how do you treat the high female hormone and achieve balance and return to the correct identity?


Have you ever gone out with your partner and could not sit down? 

Or did you sit down but were hiding the pain because of your hemorrhoids? 

Yes, it is suffering from a medical point of view, but it is also very embarrassing for you as a man, and this may be due to most men in the fact that they always want to appear as strong and tall, so it makes no sense for something small like a hemorrhoid to come to dominate them and make them feel embarrassed.

But remember that it will not happen as long as you speed up the treatment of your hemorrhoid problem, so the next time you go out and sit with your partner, the memory will be happy and not "painful".

3-Breast enlargement

There is no doubt that protruding breasts are a feminine sign! What about the case when a man's breasts are also overly enlarged? 

What if one breast is enlarged? 

This may be due to a hormonal problem, or accumulated fat, or other reasons, but why are you hiding the matter, my dear, as long as there is a cure for gynecomastia? 

Go to the doctor and take steps of treatment, and you will see how you will then stop wearing loose clothing or standing at the end of the picture behind everyone because of embarrassment.

4-Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation

It is not only among the diseases embarrassing for men, but rather we are facing something that the man considers the greatest catastrophe, the problems of the marital relationship, 

which comes on top of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, because in the minds of most men, there is nothing that makes his head high except in the full fulfillment of his marital duties, and nothing Make him bowed head as far as he could not. 

But have you ever thought about being wrong? 

Is not there a medical aspect that requires treatment? 

Why do you look at the consequences of the same problem as long as you are able to solve it and receive treatment for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and avoid these consequences ?!

5-Inflammation of the man's external genital organs

On the same side, we are here talking about a problem that may hinder a man from practicing his marital life normally, so he may be keen to hide it and evade his marital relationship because he does not want the woman to know anything about it, but the matter is not the end of the day, 

dear man, if Treating genital infection is not impossible, is it not time to get rid of this problem and lead your life normally? 

We are not biased towards men, there are also embarrassing diseases for women that they hide from men! But in general, every problem has a solution, so you must go to the doctor in the event of any strange physical symptoms to avoid any complications.

