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When does pregnancy appear and how do I know that I am pregnant?

 When pregnancy appears at what stage can it be detected?

 Can pregnancy tests be done early? This depends on several factors.

Have you decided that you are ready to build a family? Congratulations! It is natural that once the decision is made, you will want to get pregnant immediately, but it is important to let things go as normal and there is no need to get too anxious.

When pregnancy appears at what stage can it be detected?

When does pregnancy appear?

No need to wait for the onset of nausea and discomfort, pregnancy tests can be done today relatively early and get the answer to the fateful question: Are you pregnant or not? And when will the pregnancy appear!

If the egg is fertilized by a sperm then the pregnancy will be accommodated. However, it is impossible to know right away if a woman is pregnant.

Only when the body begins to produce the hCG hormone, can it be detected and known when a pregnancy will appear with this test.

The hormone release in the body begins when a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall.

In some women, the hormone is secreted up to six days from the moment of conception, and in other women, the hormone is secreted only after skipping the menstrual cycle. In other words, the time it took to detect a pregnancy could be an eternity.

After an egg has implanted into the lining of the uterus, the body begins to produce hCG. In the early stages of pregnancy, the amount of the hormone doubles by itself every two or three days. The presence of the hormone in the urine is evidence of pregnancy.

Types of tests that show when pregnancy appears?

If you want to check whether you are pregnant, you can make an appointment with a doctor and take a blood test in the clinic, or alternatively you can take a home urine test designed to detect pregnancy.

A home pregnancy test is a cheap, simple and fairly accurate way to find out if you are pregnant.

1- Urinalysis

In this method, the urine must come into contact with a special stick. You can urinate directly on the stick, or urinate into a cup and immerse the stick inside.

After a few minutes, an indication of a positive or negative result appears on the stick. In general, you can do the test if you are not menstruating, although sometimes you can detect when pregnancy appears by means of a urine test even earlier.

2- A blood test

There are two types of blood tests that determine when a pregnancy will appear - the qualitative hCG test and the quantitative hCG test, also called the hCG beta test. The qualitative hCG test detects the presence of the hormone in the blood, and the quantitative hCG test measures its quantity accurately.

A pregnancy test can be done within 7-12 days from the moment you conceive, that is, before you can get reliable results from a urinalysis.

However, blood test results to determine pregnancy are not immediate. In fact, until you get the results, it may take enough time for you to have a home urine test.

After a few minutes, a positive or negative result will appear on the stick.

Reliability of pregnancy tests

Although a blood test is the most reliable way to find out if you are pregnant, home pregnancy tests can be very accurate as well, only if used correctly. It is very important to stick to the instructions and not to use the test which has expired.

A pregnancy test cannot always detect low levels of the hCG hormone, so that if the test was performed promptly, the result obtained would not necessarily be accurate.

It is important to wait at least until the day when you were supposed to have your period to take the test, some women have to wait until a week after that for a positive result.

What errors can happen?

The test can show that you are pregnant when you are not pregnant in the following cases:

If you were pregnant recently

If you are taking hCG medicine

You have blood or proteins in your urine

You have ovarian cysts or an ectopic pregnancy

I have reached menopause

Most importantly, these cases are very rare.

The test does not indicate pregnancy even though you are pregnant. This error can occur in the following cases:

The test has expired

Take the test too soon

You did not use the test according to the instructions

Your urine is diluted- The test should be done in the morning, when the urine is concentrated

If you suspect that the results you got are incorrect, you should take another test and see a doctor if your period does not appear.



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