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The ultimate cure for baldness is on the way

The ultimate cure for baldness is on the way

Have scientists finally found a revolutionary cure for baldness?

While there are many widespread and expensive procedures to treat baldness, the patient often does not reach satisfactory results, so will this change very soon? Have scientists already reached a final and real treatment for baldness? Read the news to know more.

The ultimate cure for baldness is on the way

Scientists at the University of California in the United States of America recently revealed that they may be on the verge of unveiling a definitive treatment for baldness that restores hair regrowth, by discovering a new mechanism that could be adopted to manufacture drugs that treat baldness.

The scientists found, through their study on mice, that increasing the production of lactate by controlling specific genes in the body speeds up and activates the work of the stem cells of the dormant hair follicles to stimulate them to grow hair again. Which may make scientists come soon to drugs that adopt this mechanism to fight baldness and finally, especially for people who suffer from disease hair loss or alopecia (Alopecia).

It is worth noting that the receding hairline from the forehead and hair loss from the front may be caused by many things, such as: genetics, genetics, hormonal imbalances, stress and anxiety, infection with diseases or taking certain drugs. They are all things that may cause permanent or temporary hair loss.

This study provided evidence, the first of its kind, that there is a strong link between lactate production in the body and hair follicle stem cells.

Scientists revealed through the study that the metabolism and metabolism processes that take place in the hair follicle cells differ from those that take place in other skin cells, as they found that it works to convert glucose into a substance that is used in one of two ways, the first is the traditional method of using it as energy fuel by cell mitochondria And the second is by converting it into lactate (the substance responsible for feeling tired and burning in muscles after intense exercise).

After that, the scientists tried to control the process of glucose transformation and prevent it from reaching the mitochondria, to monitor whether the hair follicle stem cells may make more lactate and if the lactate actually will stimulate the dormant follicles and restore their activity, to find that this is what actually happened!

After that, scientists developed initial drugs to test them in mice, only to find that two of them actually succeeded in reactivating dormant hair follicles.

Scientists are now working to start trying new drugs on humans, which may constitute hope and a real solution to the annoying problem of baldness.



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