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Study confirming sexual relations benefits your brain as you get old

Study confirming sexual relations benefits your brain as you get old

Sexual relationships benefit your brain as you get older

The results of a new study published in the scientific journal Journals of Gerontology reveal that regular sexual relations boost brain health in old age.


Study confirming sexual relations benefits your brain as you get old

The researchers based on the study found that regular sexual relations had a positive effect on the brain health of couples as they advanced in age, and this was especially evident in their verbal fluency and spatial awareness compared to others.

And participated in this experiment 73 people, ranging in age from 50 to 83 years.

The verbal fluency test included asking the participants some questions and asking them to display the most words for one letter chosen by the researchers within one minute. As for the spatial awareness test, it involves drawing an image such as a square or a circle and then adding a drawing from their imagination that was presented to them previously.

The researchers reported that the results, which were based on the analysis of information and data, indicated that older men and women who had regular sex had better cognitive abilities than others.

The researchers pointed out that it is not known yet the reason behind this relationship, but that the accompaniment of sexual relations with those social and physical activity would enhance their cognitive abilities more and significantly.

Researchers believe that the release of the hormone dopamine through sex plays an important role in promoting brain health in individuals.



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