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How to take care of children for new mothers and fathers

How to take care of children for new mothers and fathers

New parents are doing everything not to mistake children for, "We will be different parents!" really? History repeats itself, and with it the mistakes of new parents - and sometimes even non-new parents - do so. However, it may be best to try to avoid this. Read the following article.

What are the mistakes that new parents make in parenting and dealing with children?

All parents make mistakes, especially at the beginning of their lives as parents of a child. Don't you believe? Remember your childhood. Scary, right? Although your flashbacks can be alarming and make you look for calming drugs - don't worry. It is likely that you will make a good number of these mistakes when you become a parent. Don't say, "This will never happen to us!" We are all human and all of us are subject to errors. Sometimes, when we know in advance what mistakes we might make, it is easier for us to prepare for them and prevent them from happening.

Therefore, we have collected the most common mistakes that new parents make when dealing with infants:

Don't panic about anything

Lots of parents promise themselves to be the quietest and most spontaneous parents. These are just promises. But the truth is that the first year of their first child's life they spend in states of panic over everything their child does, such as secretions or vomiting, crying, eating or not eating, sleeping or not sleeping. When the third child comes, you become completely indifferent parents, to the point that the nurse in the child's clinic may give him his name!

Dealing with a baby's crying: Don't rush him

When a baby cries, many new parents who are ignorant of how to deal with children tend to believe that they are crying because they have definitely done something wrong and they should fix that. They forget that crying is a major part of childhood. Sometimes, babies cry just because they're what they do best. It does not matter what you do or do not do. So invite them, and do not try to calm them down at all costs. But if the crying is accompanied by a fever, rash or constant vomiting, it is not preferable to ignore his crying, but it should be taken for a medical examination.

Uninterrupted sleep, is my baby hungry

The prevailing opinion is that babies should sleep all night. But this is a common mistake. Not all babies fill up with breast milk overnight, and there are babies who need to be fed at night as well. Therefore, if your child wakes up to check, he may already be hungry.

Dealing with health conditions that the child may face

Food or vomit came out of his mouth?

The difference is in the pace. If the child has a virus in the digestive system, he vomits approximately every 30 - 45 minutes, regardless of meal times.

Temperature is 38. Is that dangerous?

In the first three months of a child's life, if the temperature rises to 38, then this requires medical treatment. The only exception is the first day after receiving the first set of vaccinations - because then there is a known cause of the high temperature. Many parents become indifferent even and only give a fever reducer to the child. But this is a mistake. The body of a three-month-old child cannot fight infection on its own - so see a doctor.

Do not neglect your child's oral health

Many parents who are ignorant of dealing with children, do not realize the importance of educating the child early and keeping his mouth clean. When it comes to oral health, the time is never too early. Do not put him in bed and leave the bottle with him. Baby formula mixes that remain in the mouth for a long time can cause decay in a newborn baby's teeth. Therefore, he should be fed and then taken from him when he finishes eating. Wipe his lips with a wet cloth after every meal.

My baby has nappy rash

Don't worry, most babies usually develop nappy rash early in life. Why? Just imagine the presence of urine and stool in addition to moisture for a continuous and intense period and how it affects the delicate baby skin! Thus, taking some simple steps will help in treating the problem, namely: cleaning and drying the area well and using a special cream that acts as a buffer between the baby's skin and the nappy in order to reduce friction and aid in treatment.

Daily life and dealing with children

Do not forget your married life

When a child joins the family, our married life can easily be forgotten and neglected, but this is definitely not recommended. If you are relaxed and calm, not nervous and upset, your baby will also feel better. Maintaining the marital relationship will be very beneficial to him, and also to you of course.

Can quarrel in front of him? - He doesn't understand yet

He may not understand but he certainly feels. Just as he feels when you are calm and relaxed, he also feels negative vibrations coming from you, even if he is only three months old.

How to install a safety seat in the car?

For many parents, installing a car seat is as complicated as space science. If things get complicated, you can go to the store where you bought the seat or hire someone who can help you - even to the local fire station - and ask for help.



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