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Ways of dealing with the psychological patient

Ways of dealing with the psychological patient

Mental illness is a disorder that affects a person’s personality as a result of the occurrence of symptoms that affect him, and make him unable to control the nature of emotions and behaviors that emanate from him. The degree of the impact of mental illness on the patient varies from simplicity to severity, and the occurrence of mental illness in a person depends on factors motivating him, and the patient may be completely cured of it in the absence of the influence of those factors, and whenever a careful deal with the psychiatric patient is done, this will contribute to his treatment and return to life Natural

Its causes There are a group of causes that lead to suffering from mental illness, and they are divided into two parts, namely: Genetic: are all the causes of mental illness that are transmitted through genetic genes among family members, and affect the nervous system, and make the patient suffer from a mental illness similar to the disease that afflicted someone Formerly family members. Environmental: The factors surrounding a person have a direct impact on his exposure to a type of mental illness, and among these factors: Ruthless education: a psychiatric patient may be exposed in his childhood to harsh upbringing, or insufficient care, and to live in a broken family. Trauma: When a person is exposed to a strong psychological trauma, which affects him, it is possible that he may become ill with mental illness. Feeling frustrated: Some people who fail to do something may cause them great frustration, affecting their psyche pathologically. Crises: Exposure to crises such as financial loss, or the death of a dear person causes mental illnesses that have a very difficult impact.

Signs of it The emergence of signs of mental illness depends on the patient based on the psychological state he suffers from, and each type of mental illness has special signs in it, but it has several similar characteristics. Such as intellectual imbalance of the patient, abnormal behavior from him, a tendency to complete calmness, or hostility in behaving with himself or with others

Types of it There are many types of mental illnesses

 which affect the patient’s life in a major way, including: Personality disorder. Belief in disease (hypephrine). Depression. Schizophrenia (schizophrenia). Paranoia. Hysteria.

His treatment

 when diagnosing a mental illness by a psychiatrist depends on the factors and signs appearing on the patient, to determine the degree of the disease’s impact on his psyche, and to know the appropriate treatment for him. The therapist or psychiatrist relies on holding rehabilitative sessions for the patient, including dialogue with him, to help him get rid of mental illness And he may be prescribed a sedative medication, which helps reduce the impact of the symptoms on him.

How to deal with a psychiatric patient

 When sitting with a psychiatric patient, you must be careful, choose the appropriate words and actions while dealing with him, and methods that help in that are: Avoid mixing with people for a long time: When people come to visit the psychopath, it is advisable not to sit with them for a long time To avoid any behavior from someone that may affect his psychological state. Follow it up without realizing it: When caring for a psychiatric patient, and following up on his behavior and behavior, he should not feel that he is being watched, so that this does not cause him to become nervous, and it is useful to allocate special time in him, if he likes to sit alone, but any Sharp objects may cause him to hurt himself. Not to be offended: Some people deal with emotional patients, and this behavior is wrong. It is important to accept it as it is, until it gets rid of its disease, and returns to normal. Giving him enough confidence: When a psychiatric patient feels the confidence of the people he lives with, it helps him greatly to overcome his condition successfully. Do not pester the patient: Some people ask the psychopath for things that are beyond their capacity. As if he changes for the better and seeks to recover from his illness, and this is wrong. The increased urgency only worsens his condition, and no support is provided to get rid of it. Take care to help him: When the psychological patient feels that the people around him are eager to help him in the treatment of his illness, this contributes to making him improve significantly



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