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Facial acne treatment methods and tips

Facial acne treatment methods and tips

Facial pills The pimples that appear on the face are one of the most common skin problems, as they can affect people of all ages, but they are more prevalent in young people and adolescents, and they occur when the sebaceous glands at the base of the hair follicles are clogged as a result of excessive secretion of sebum, and the accumulation of dead skin cells Hormonal changes, excessive tension, unhealthy nutrition, and poor hygiene are among the causes of the exacerbation of pimples. And dermatologists usually resort to giving drugs that help reduce the appearance of pimples, or eliminate them permanently, and in this article we will present several tips that help get rid of facial pills, and medical and home methods for treating them.

Facial treatment pills face care

The face can be taken care of by following the following methods, which are:

* Washing the face two to three times a day with a light cleanser designated for the face, and it is preferable to wash the skin with warm water, as it cleans the skin from dirt and removes excess sebum.

*Dry the face well, using a clean and soft towel, and the face is dried by patting the skin, not rubbing it.

* Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer suitable for skin type and not clogging pores

* Use a skin scrub and mask once a week to remove dead skin and cleanse, and calm it with a mask that removes impurities from it.

* Avoid touching or messing with the pimples; Because this may lead to its transfer to healthy skin, and may lead to the formation of permanent scars and marks on the skin that are difficult to treat.

* Use sunblock creams to protect the skin from the ultraviolet rays that increase the inflammation of pimples and make it redder.

* You must reduce the application of makeup on the skin affected by acne, because this increases the problem, as the make-up closes the pores of the skin, and causes an increase in dirt on them, and also leads to an increase in sebum in the skin, and thus increases the appearance of pimples.

* Clean the tools and brushes used to apply make-up, because it is a suitable place for the growth of bacteria, and therefore it is recommended to wash them frequently, and change them from time to time.

Playing sports

Thirty minutes of exercise a day helps to maintain health and the skin, balance hormone levels, and get rid of toxins through sweating, which reduces the appearance of pimples on the face.

 Follow a healthy diet

Changing the diet to include eating more vegetables and fruits, and less fatty foods, which can cause pimples to appear on the skin.

Drinking water

 Drinking 5-8 glasses of water helps to maintain the health of the skin and body by flushing out toxins and maintaining the proper functioning of the metabolism process.

Medical treatments

A specialist can be consulted about the appropriate treatments for facial pills, including: creams and ointments that remove creams and prevent pimples from their appearance, which improves the condition of the skin within 6-8 weeks, and is usually applied directly to the pills, including:

Benzoyl peroxide, which kills bacteria on the surface of the skin, slows down the production of sebum in the pores, and exfoliates the skin so that it helps the skin to renew itself.

 Salicylic acid (salicylic acid), which helps kill the bacteria that cause pimples, helps destroy blackheads and whiteheads that may develop into pimples, removes the old layer of dead skin, prevents pores from clogging, and allows new skin cells to form. Sulfur, which contains anti-bacterial properties, helps destroy whiteheads and blackheads to prevent them from becoming infected and forming pimples.

 Retin A, which contains an acid made from vitamin A, works like a chemical peel, exfoliating the skin to open up clogged pores.

Azelaic acid, which reduces the appearance of pimples by preventing sebum build-up and reducing inflammation and bacterial growth, is especially suitable for dark-skinned people.

Treatment with drugs (antibiotics):

In the event of moderate to severe acne, the doctor prescribes a topical cream and an antibiotic that is taken orally. The improvement can be seen within about six weeks and the treatment lasts for 4-6 months.

 Laser treatment:

Where doctors can resort to laser treatment of pills and their effects, and the laser destroys the sebaceous glands that cause the appearance of pimples.

 Light therapy:

It is used to get rid of the bacteria that cause acne.

Chemical peeling:

 This treatment is used to get rid of the scars left by the pimples behind them by burning the surface of the skin and exposing the new skin underneath.

 Superficial peeling:

This treatment is used to exfoliate the surface layer of skin and expose the new skin underneath with a rotating wire brush.

Home remedies Home remedies are effective in treating pimples on the face, but they must be applied after cleaning the face, and if the pimples are severe, you should go to a specialist, including:


 Turmeric contains curcumin, which inhibits the activity of bacteria that cause acne, reduces the effects that pimples leave on the skin, and can treat pimples and prevent their appearance. It is used to treat pimples as follows:

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of turmeric. Water or rose water. How to prepare: Mix enough water with turmeric to make a paste. Put the paste on the pimples, and let it dry before rinsing it with cold water. Repeat this treatment 1-2 times a day. It is used to prevent the emergence of pimples as follows:

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of turmeric. A teaspoon of honey. Two teaspoons of yogurt. Preparation: Mix the ingredients together and apply the mixture as a face mask. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. This prevention method can be used 2-3 times a week.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera can treat light and moderate grains because it contains anti-bacterial properties that stimulate the healing of damaged skin, and the fresh gel extracted from the aloe vera leaf can be applied to the pills twice a day for a week, or a mixture of aloe vera and its method are:

 Ingredients: a tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Half a teaspoon of honey. Half a teaspoon of turmeric.

Preparation: Mix the ingredients together and apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin. Leave the mixture on the skin for 15-20 minutes, before washing it off with water. This treatment can be repeated once a day.

ice cubes:

The ice freezes the pores of the skin, which removes the excess fat and dirt stuck inside it, and it is a quick treatment for pills, and the method is:

 Ingredients: ice cubes. How to prepare: Apply ice to the affected area.



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