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Confirmed ectopic pregnancy symptoms and when

Confirmed ectopic pregnancy symptoms and when

Certain symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy and when they appear, pregnancy is the dream that every wife and wife wants to fulfill after their marriage, as children are a great blessing from God Almighty, and in the case of pregnancy, happiness pervades the home, but there is a pregnancy that comes with some troubles such as pregnancy outside the womb What are the definite symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy and when do they appear?

The most important information about an ectopic pregnancy

Pregnancy is the implantation of the fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus, and this is the normal case, but in cases of ectopic pregnancy, or a pregnancy that is outside the uterus, the egg that is fertilized is somewhere outside the uterus.

This place is the pregnancy in the cervix, or the ovaries, or its presence in a fallopian tube, and in cases of ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube is the most common place for an ectopic pregnancy, which led to an ectopic pregnancy known as "fallopian pregnancy."

It must be known that the presence of pregnancy outside the woman's womb is one of the rare phenomena that do not happen to most women during pregnancy, but we must be aware that this condition is dangerous and has many complications, so it must be treated immediately.

As an increase in pregnancy in the fallopian tube would lead to this tube bursting, exposing the woman to bleeding, which may cause death.

Ectopic pregnancy

There are many reasons that could lead to an ectopic pregnancy, and the most important of these are:

The occurrence of some defect in the fallopian tube, and this defect would lead to the adhesion of the fetus in the channel at a higher rate, and this is due to the use of the drug diethylstilbestrol by the pregnant woman is one of the factors that lead to this defect.

Exposure to endometriosis, which leads to the formation of scar tissue, and leads to adhesions, and these adhesions work to prevent the arrival of the fertilized egg to the uterus, so an ectopic pregnancy occurs.

Ligation of the fallopian tubes, where some women perform the process of tying the fallopian tubes, and most of those who conceive after this operation will have an ectopic pregnancy.

Incidence of sexual diseases, due to the multiplicity of sexual relations, which has a great role in afflicting women with diseases that lead to ectopic pregnancy.

Old age, the rate of ectopic pregnancy increases, in the event that the woman is very old, meaning that she is over 40 years old, as they become more susceptible to this pregnancy than other women.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

Following some birth control methods, as if a woman uses an IUD and has a pregnancy, the rate of ectopic pregnancy is very large.

Infertility and the use of its treatment can have a role in increasing the chance of an ectopic pregnancy, and some of the methods that are followed in the treatment of infertility, such as doing an IVF, is one of the causes of an ectopic pregnancy.

Smoking directly before pregnancy by the mother is one of the most important factors that cause an ectopic pregnancy.

Pre-exposure to an ectopic pregnancy, as a woman who had previously conceived outside the uterus is more likely to have a repeat ectopic pregnancy again.

Performing surgeries, as a woman who has undergone surgery, such as removing fibroids, or cesarean delivery, is most likely to have an ectopic pregnancy.

Women are exposed to some infections, as there are some infections that would expose a woman to an ectopic pregnancy, and among these infections, salpingitis, and some diseases such as gonorrhea.

Confirmed ectopic pregnancy symptoms and when

There are a number of symptoms that explain that this pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy, and although some of these cases are similar to normal pregnancies, but you should pay attention because these signs indicate an ectopic pregnancy, so you must make sure as soon as these symptoms appear, and they are as follows:

The woman feels severe pain in the abdomen, as the pain that a woman feels during an ectopic pregnancy is in the abdomen, especially in the pelvic region, in addition to feeling pain in the neck and shoulder area, and this pain is characterized by that it is not continuous but rather intermittent, as the degree of pain varies from From time to time, a woman may feel this type of pain if she experiences a pregnancy bleeding.

Vaginal bleeding: This bleeding is greater and heavier, or less and lighter compared to the normal state of the menstrual cycle, so you should pay attention that if this bleeding increases beyond the usual times and continues for some time, you should go to the doctor.

The most common symptom of pregnancy

Infection with some disorders in the digestive system, such as a woman's exposure to vomiting and nausea, but in a way that is accompanied by great pain, in addition to the woman's feeling of some other pain such as physical weakness and severe dizziness.

In the event of exposure to these symptoms, the woman should consult a doctor so that appropriate treatments are taken to protect the woman from the risk of this pregnancy.

Discharge from ectopic pregnancy

There are some secretions that if a pregnant woman sees it, it indicates the presence of a pregnancy outside the womb, and these secretions include:

In the event that there was a red vaginal discharge, and this bleeding was severe, or there are some clots, or this bleeding occurs accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdominal area.

If these signs appear, then this highly indicates an ectopic pregnancy, and may end in miscarriage.

Although the secretions of the vagina would be normal in the first days of pregnancy, its increase indicates some risk to the woman.

Ensure an ectopic pregnancy

Despite the appearance of symptoms and signs, it does not confirm the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy, as it is difficult to detect once normal detection, so it must be confirmed through a number of diagnoses, namely:

1 - Transvaginal ultrasound

This process includes making an imaging of the vagina by inserting what is known as a "probe", which is a small column inside the vagina, during which the woman does not need anesthesia.

This probe sends a clear picture of the genitals, which shows the doctor whether there is an egg implantation in the fallopian tube and the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy or not.

2- Blood analysis

An ectopic pregnancy is detected through a blood analysis. The pregnancy hormone known as "human chorionic gonadotropin" is analyzed.

And this analysis is done when it is difficult to detect an ectopic pregnancy through the use of ultrasound imaging, and this is done by measuring the amount of the hormone within two days, until this hormone is monitored, which has a slow rise, unlike a normal pregnancy.

3- Diagnosis through endoscopy

Ectopic pregnancies are identified through the diagnostic examination of pregnancy, and this is done through endoscopy, when previous methods of diagnosis are not possible, as the woman is generally anesthetized, and some minor wounds are made in the abdominal area.

After that, this device is inserted in order to examine the uterus, to make sure that there is pregnancy in the fallopian tube, and surgical tools are used so that the woman is avoided undergoing any other operation.



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