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Benefits and tips during the menstrual cycle

Benefits and tips during the menstrual cycle


 The menstrual cycle is known as a natural state of hormonal changes that occur in the uterus and ovaries in women periodically and monthly, and its importance lies in preparing the uterus for the process of pregnancy, by producing eggs, and it is called by many names, including both menstruation, or menstruation. , And menstruation, as well as the menstrual cycle, knowing that this physical condition begins when girls reach puberty and ends at menopause, and some classify it as a pathology during which women need exceptional care and care, as its effect is not limited to the reproductive system, uterus and ovaries only, but Affects the formation of hormones in the body and many vital processes in it, and directly affects the mood / accompanied by cramps and pains in the breast, abdomen, and uterus, and this requires adherence to some healthy lifestyle habits, and completely distancing others from them.

Harmful to drinking water during

The course Studies and research confirm that there is no harm to drinking water during the period of the menstrual cycle, on the contrary, specialists in this field recommend consuming sufficient quantities of water not less than two liters per day, because this has a great role in regulating the body temperature, maintaining its energy and fighting fatigue As a result of menstruation, in preventing blood clots, in maintaining body moisture and in preventing dehydration, and without the headache associated with this stage.

The phases of the menstrual cycle

 The menstrual cycle is divided into several phases and stages, which are represented as follows: The first phase is called follicular and ovulation. The luteal phase and this stage is in the ovarian cycle. Reproductive phase. The secretory phase in the uterine cycle

Tips to reduce PMS symptoms are recommended

By following the following healthy tips to reduce the hassles associated with that period: Avoid carrying weights. Avoid walking on a cold floor. Take care not to eat very cold foods. Drink plenty of fizzy drinks. Wash the sensitive area with soap. Avoid removing excess hair during the period of the cycle; Because the skin is at the height of the sensitivity. Not sleeping with air conditioning and very low temperatures. Avoid bathing in cold water during this time. Increase your intake of warm natural drinks that help calm the body in general, including mint, cumin, anise, flowers and others. Taking care of the hygiene of the body in general, and the sensitive area in particular. Avoid weight loss diets during this time. Doing light exercise, such as walking for at least half an hour every day. Sleep for enough hours, not less than eight hours a day. Be careful not to take medicines during this period except in cases of necessity.



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