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 Deadly medical supports

1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics. While antibiotics can be

Drugs that help people, kill bacteria or prevent harmful bacteria also kill support bacteria.

We used to be helped by antibiotics so often without knowing it, like

When we eat traditional meat.

Farms are fed antibiotics to help them survive and fatten

To slaughter.

It means eating an animal whose diet contains antibiotics. You too

Consuming these drugs in addition to eliminating you guys gut, antibiotics will cause weight gain in you just like that

I did it to the animals that ate it.

2. Non-bacterial anti-inflammatory drugs

(NSAIDs). Ibuprofen and naproxen (Aleve) and

Celecoxib (Celebrex) are some common pain relievers

It falls under the category of NSAIDs. Aspirin has always been the pain

The drug of choice, but around the 1970s this was discovered

Prolonged use of the drug damages the stomach lining.

These observations are noted with a gastroscope - an instrument

Doctors use it to examine the inside of the digestive system - and it is

She has shown that taking too much aspirin hurts the stomach

And NSAIDs did not cause any such problems. Medication

Companies and doctors alike have been delighted with these new pains

Medicines that will eliminate the risk of damage to

Stomach lining. What they didn't know then, gastroscopes were unable to see the digestive system outside

Stomach - NSAIDs damage the lining of the small intestine

And colon. Lectins, as you might remember, target this area as well.

Ironically, when taking NSAIDs regularly (shown

As an anti-inflammatory) the damage it causes to your intestine

The wall leads to more inflammation. This leads to more pain

Makes you continue to access NSAIDs. It is a cycle

It clearly does more harm than good, except

Pharmaceutical companies profits.

3. Blockers of stomach acid. Acid blocking drugs such as

Zantac, Prilosec, Nexium, or Protonix, most of which are proton pump inhibitors (PPI), reduce the amount of acid in

stomach. This might sound like a good thing, but stomach acid is

A tool your body uses to neutralize harmful bacteria and

Disperse lectins. The more bad bacteria you have, the fewer bad bacteria you have

The room and resource that good bacteria possess.

Moreover, these acid reducers are increasingly making it possible

To continue eating foods rich in lectins that cause origin

Problem. In other words, we created a wrong solution for

Plant defense systems. Rather than learn to avoid foods you do

Cause discomfort, as animals do (and as plants have intended us to do),

We don't always link diet with disease.

Proton pump inhibitors also prevent protein from being digested. Since lectins are plant proteins,

More PPIs mean more lectins on the loose.

4. Artificial sweeteners. As a former addict to Diet Cola

(Eight cans a day!), I'm especially terrified to discuss how to do this

Harmful artificial sweeteners. Not only artificial sweeteners

It kills friendly bacteria, but it does, too

Your brain is looking for more sweets and fat storage for the winter (which,

As you'll see in Chapter 2, this is also what eating fruit will do.) It

It is no coincidence that when I was drinking so much calorie-free soda

I was also seventy pounds overweight. With fewer comrades,

The bites of swallows wreak more havoc inside your body.

5. Endocrine disorders. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals

That interfere with the normal functioning of your hormones.

Exposure to it is linked to a host of health problems including:

Diabetes, cancer, poor thyroid function, and reproductive problems (L.

Men and women) and obesity. Endocrine disorders also affect

Liver. One of the major roles of the liver is to convert vitamin D into vitamin D.

Active form; Vitamin D is necessary to maintain the intestinal wall

Salim. Having a low vitamin D level can also make you more likely to develop it

For diseases such as autoimmune diseases, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease,

Heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.

Endocrine disorders are usually found in personal plastics

Care items (including sunscreen, hand sanitizers, and toothpaste),

Household detergents, pesticides, food packaging, food packaging, foodstuffs

Storage containers and many other daily products. a lot

Processed foods also contain these foods as additives that aim to reduce them

Spoilage and provide other beneficial 'benefits'. Butylated

Hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a common chemical stabilizer

And an endocrine disorder. It is often found in packed bread,

Especially whole grain varieties. Avoid at all costs! Could you

Find a list of common endocrine disruptors causes and tips for avoiding them

6. Genetically modified foods and herbicides

reunion. Plus, it could potentially cause all kinds of health

ProblemsAvoid genetically modified foods. Since specifically GMO

Born to tolerate the herbicide known as glyphosate, it is the main one

The component in a news report, can be poured with it as a medium

For farmers to control weeds without killing the crop. but now

Roundup is used as a desiccant in non-GMO versions of these

The same plants - almost all oats, grains, beans and legumes -

Because it is easy to harvest dry dead plant. Who is eating

The crop - whether it's you, your kids, or the animals you want for later

Consume - You'll be treated with a hearty dose of a roundup. While you are

You'll largely avoid legumes on Plant Paradox, right there

Options to include beans cooked in moderate pressure, and eat food

Limited amounts of animal protein. The only way to avoid

The bottom line is eating exclusive, organic versions of these foods.

In the case of meat, eat only pasture that is raised and expired

Animal products or wild fish and shellfish.

7. The light.

Our bodies are finely tuned to react to light

Perceived through our optic nerves. Different types of our light signals

The brain and our body when we sleep, when we eat, and how much fat

To be burned or stored. Blue light is part of the light spectrum

Includes daylight when we're exposed to excess blue light, we have

The dead body begins to mix between day and night. in summer ,

Longer days and the synchronization of extra blue light stimulate our bodies

Store fat and store calories in preparation for this coming winter,

When food was scarce. In the winter, with shorter days, we have

The body burns its own fat stores because, in the past, it is calories

Food was generally reduced. Today we live in full view

Electronic devices - from phones and computers to televisions and

Tablets - plus fluorescent and LED lighting in our homes

And offices, all emitting blue light. Exposure to blue light

Throughout the year, our bodies make us think it's time for summer

time. So we are constantly "preparing for winter" by mistake

Consuming more calories and storing fats rather than burning them.



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